This happened in Ji 'an, Jiangxi. In the evening, Wang was walking on the road with a miner's lamp and two cows. Wang and Zhong are walking in the same direction. When Zhongmou drove the truck to crush Wang, he thought it was crushing cattle. After Zhongmou got off the truck, he found that he had crushed someone. So Zhongmou surrendered himself, and Zhongmou surrendered himself very actively.
The car behind Zhongmou is driven by Wenmou. Wenmou didn't see the deceased because it was dark at night, so he drove over the head of the deceased for the second time. The victim suffered a complete fracture of the head and multiple fractures of the leg. At this point, Wang has no signs of life. Wenmou saw that he had crushed someone, so he chose to hit and run.
After Wen escaped, he drove his car to other places for cleaning, but in the end he failed to escape the police and technical investigation. After investigating his car, the police found blood and human tissue on his car. As a result, Wen was also found out by the police, and his car was the vehicle that crushed Wang for the second time.
In this incident, Wang will encounter a second secret love, also because of Zhong. If Zhongmou crushes Wang, park the car in that place. Then Wen won't crush Wang again, which will cause his head to crack completely. Such a vivid life will end in a car accident. People must pay attention to safety when driving at night, and pay attention to pedestrians or other small animals.