When men and women are in love and can talk about marriage, the man will ask the woman for a handbag, and the woman mainly agrees. In ancient times, it was called Nacai. Generally, the day of carrying a bag is a good day, and it is a bimonthly day, which is suitable for marriage. On the day of wrapping, the man carried longan and litchi on his back, which was carried by the matchmaker. If the woman follows, the engagement between men and women is initially determined.
Engagement ceremony
After carrying my bag, I'm ready to get engaged. The man went to talk about a few good days, and then both men and women discussed and decided on a good day these days, which was called Zheng Na in ancient times. On the day of engagement, the man should give the dowry to the woman's family, and the dowry should be arranged in even numbers, such as 10, 12. At present, in Yiwu, bride price and gift money are exquisite, and they are in duplicate, such as 88,888 yuan,188,888 yuan and 288,888 yuan. Some wealthy families will pay more, without rules and restrictions.
Before the wedding, the man needs to borrow the wedding car, and the car should be in place the day before the wedding or in the early morning. And the day before the wedding, the main wedding car should be dressed up, and the decoration of the auxiliary wedding car is relatively simple. You can go to the wedding company to take the ribbons and car stickers home and decorate them yourself. When the motorcade leaves, firecrackers should be set off along the way. One thing, before the wedding day, the groom should prepare an open bag, that is, a red envelope. At ordinary times to prepare dozens of 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan bills, in case of door-to-door proposal. On the wedding day, the matchmaker went to the woman's house with lanterns and gold ingot baskets. This gold ingot basket contains five generations of candles, sugar, Li's bag and grandma's clothes. These are all to have a good omen and a good meaning, and at the same time, they can make people feel happiness and joy, and make their future life happier.