After King Wuzhou conquered Zhou Wang, the Zhou Dynasty became the Central Plains regime in China. Zhou Wuwang accepted the suggestion of the Duke of Zhou and implemented the system of enfeoffment. The enfeoffment system enfeoffed all the land to the vassal States, but the king of Zhou was not only in charge of the capital, Haojing and Ideal City. The territory ruled by Zhou Wang is called Zhou Wang. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the whole Guanzhong Plain until now Luoyang was the territory of Zhou Wang. At that time, the Qin people were still in Longxi area, not a formal vassal state. Compared with vassal States, China has the largest territory, the most fertile land and the largest population. Zhou was born in, not far from Haojiang.
In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty declined because Zhou Liwang was ousted by the people of China and experienced the war drama in Zhou Youwang. Luoyang is also Zhou's territory and moved its capital to Luoyang. However, with the relocation and decline of the Zhou royal family, the vassal States began to rise. When the territory of Zhou Wangji was in the Spring and Autumn Period, it dared not make other vassal states make up their minds. However, it has been divided a lot. During the Warring States period, the territory of Zhou Wangji was only as big as Luoyang now, and it is estimated that it was not as big as there. However, the descendants of the surname Ji later split internally and became the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Duke of Zhou in the East once led the allied forces of six countries to attack the State of Qin, and was defeated by the State of Qin. Zhou Wangji was directly annexed by Qin when Qin Zhaoxiang was king, and Jiuding was also taken away. The last king of the Zhou Dynasty was called Zhou Nanwang.