Wedding photography: including the preparation of the night before the wedding, the reception of the bride the next day, ceremony, wedding banquet, location and so on. Equipment and technology directly determine the price. Generally, in medium-sized cities, 300 yuan charges for household DV cameras, 400 yuan for quasi-professional DV cameras, and 800 yuan for professional cameras with radio and television level and higher production standards. Among them, 1/3 to 1/4 are generally extracted by wedding companies.
The task flow of wedding photography is the same as photography. Generally, the price of entry-level SLR is 200-400 yuan, and the price of professional SLR (D300, D2X or 5D 1000) is above 1000 yuan, but it includes better post-PS processing, electronic photo album and even printing commemorative photo album.
The specific price will vary due to different local economies, different crafts, different photographers' skills and different types of finished products delivered, but the difference will not be too great. The draw rate of wedding companies is similar.