When Wu Ruoyun came home, he saw the sea cat tied to a chair as soon as he entered the door. The sea cat looks asleep with its head down. Wu Ruoyun carefully touched the sea cat's cheek, and the sea cat woke up. Wu Ruoyun asked him why he was tied up here, and the sea cat said that he was also confused. At this time, Wu Gankun came in and took the sea cat away, saying that he would accompany him to take a bath. In the steaming bath, Wu Gankun chatted with the sea cat about the past. At that time, Wu Gankun was one of the murderers who forced his parents to die. Wu Gankun told Hai Mao that he could kill himself with a dagger lying on the side and avenge his parents. Although the sea cat hates his guts, but now the national disaster is imminent, he is no longer the young man who only has hatred in his eyes, and now he is more concerned about the national war. Wu Gankun was very pleased that the sea cat finally put down his hatred for himself. He swore with the sea cat that he would never be enemies again. Wu Gankun actually asked the sea cat to call himself "Dad", unknown so the sea cat. Under the reminder of Wu Gankun, he remembered his promise to marry Wu Ruoyun. The sea cat opened its mouth and called Wu Gankun's father, which made Wu Gankun feel very happy. Wu Ruoyun returned to his room and found the boudoir decorated with bright red characters. Wu Gankun has already prepared for her, and will marry the sea cat tonight. The sea cat also put on the groom's new clothes and went to Wu Ruoyun's room. At first, the sea cat ate a big meal, and in the end, it was hungry. After satiated with food and drink, the sea cat finally washed his hands and opened Wu Ruoyun's skull. They knelt down and bowed to their parents, and Wu Ruoyun wept with joy. She worked hard for so many years and suffered so much that she thought about suicide. Tonight, she finally realized her wish. The sea cat married Wu Ruoyun, but later she thought about fighting. Wu Ruoyun thinks that his marriage to herself is just perfunctory. She raises her gun to get to know herself. Seeing Wu Ruoyun, the sea cat immediately turned around, hugged her to comfort her and told her that she was really alone with her. Wu Ruoyun understood the heart of the sea cat and supported it to do things. Later, Wu Ruoyun came to the location of Wu Gankun's team and told Wu Gankun about the arrangement of the sea cats to deal with Fujita. Zhao Hongsheng is beside Fujita, telling Fujita that the big troops of the Eighth Route Army are lying in ambush here. Fujita listened to his words and chose to retreat. It turned out that Hai Mao had warned Zhao Hongsheng to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army. The sea cat led the makeshift death squad to kill Fujita's artillery unit, and the enemy was almost completely destroyed, but Lin Jiayao was killed by the enemy in the gun battle.