Source: The Analects of Confucius in the Warring States Period
Lutz said, "Duke Huan killed Miyako for a long time and told him to die suddenly, but Guan Zhong didn't die." Say, "heartless?" Confucius said, "The Duke of Huan joined the nine princes without chariots, but with the help of a clock. For its benevolence, for its benevolence. "
Lutz said, "Qi Huangong killed Gong Zijiu and told him to commit suicide as a martyr, but Guan Zhong did not commit suicide. Guan Zhong is not benevolent, is he? " Confucius said, "Duke Huan has called many meetings of the league of vassal states without using force. It is the power of Guan Zhong. This is his benevolence, this is his benevolence. "
Extended data
1, nine in one quantifies the truth
Confucius put forward "loyalty to the monarch". Miyako was killed for a long time and was called to commit suicide. Guan Zhong didn't die. Not only that, he also surrendered to his master's political enemies and became prime minister. Such behavior should belong to disloyalty to the master. However, Confucius thinks that Guan Zhong helped Qi Huangong to convene a vassal alliance not by force, but by the strength of benevolence, which is commendable.
2. Introduce the author of The Analects of Confucius.
Confucius (September 28th BC1year-April BC1year), surnamed Kong, was born in the late Spring and Autumn Period (now Qufu, Shandong) and his ancestral home was Li Yi (now Xiayi, Henan), an ancient thinker and educator in China.
Confucius initiated the wind of private schools and advocated benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith. There are 3,000 disciples, including 72 sages. He led some disciples to travel around the world for thirteen years, and revised the six classics of Poetry, Book, Rite, Yue, Yijing and Chunqiu in his later years.