Invitations generally have two styles: one is single-sided, which directly consists of title, title, text, honorific words and signature. One is double-sided, that is, folding invitations. Write the word "invitation" on the cover, and write the title, text, honorific words, signature, etc. on the inner page. When writing an invitation, you should pay attention to writing the name of the invited unit or individual in the top box, followed by a colon, and indicate the position or title after the personal name, such as "Mr. ××××" and "Ms. ×××". A new line with two spaces indicates the content, time, place and other things that should be known. Generally, it ends with "please come or visit" and "salute from here". The word "salute" is written on another line, with the first two spaces, and the name of the inviting unit or individual is written in the last box.