The arena is a stepped stand. According to records, the stands of the arena are divided into three areas: the first floor is the seats of royalty, nobility and knights; The second floor is the second district, which is a public seat; The top floor, the third district, is a civilian area. There is another floor above the third section, which is reserved for women. The seats are made of wood. Above it is a big platform where the audience can stand and watch the performance at will. For safety reasons, there is a high railing wall in the stands, which is separated from the performance area. The first row of the first area is the exclusive seat of the emperor and his entourage, carved from a whole piece of marble. Other activities in this area were established by members of the Senate, priests, judges, distinguished guests and later bishops. The arena also has four large arches specially built for spectators to enter and leave. Of course, the emperor has his own special gate, which is located between Gate 38 and Gate 39 in the northeast of the arena. Compared with other doors, it is much wider and has a frame. In the center of the arena is an oval arena, about 86 meters long and 63 meters wide at its widest point. It is a place for fighting animals, racing, horse racing, singing and dancing, military parade and simulated war. At that time, in order to watch the water war, the lake could be brought into the field and flooded into a pool. Although the 76-meter-long and 46-meter-wide stage is no longer in the past, what is presented to people is the underground kiln room for actors to make up, gladiators to prepare for the competition and shut off animals, but if we carefully distinguish it, we can still appreciate the scientific design of architects 2000 years ago.
1726, in order to suppress the righteous people who refused to pay taxes, the Ottoman emperor ordered the shelling of the people in the stadium, resulting in the destruction of the arena, and the remaining part was only about 3/5 of the original. Only some underground passages, arcades, stairs and seats are left. 1979 is listed as a world heritage site.