Tutoring: Tutoring generally depends on Xu's age, 30-60 in primary school and 40-80 in junior high school; High school: 60- 120, in hours. I was looking for a tutor in the tutor group, and there was no agency fee. If you find a tutor alone, you may need an intermediary fee, usually four classes.
Dispatcher: It's usually 15 an hour or 80- 120 a day to distribute leaflets on the street, which is relatively simple, but there is also any kind of commission, such as real estate taking customers. How much is it?
Takeaway: Takeaway is mainly for the US delegation and Hungry, but generally there are not many part-time jobs, but you can find an errand platform such as Flash Delivery or Dada, and the salary is ok, generally around 400.
Wedding arrangement: There must be a certain circle in this, otherwise, we can't find such an institution. The average salary is 200-400. It is relatively hard to lay out the field on the first day and collect it in the afternoon the next day.