One: engagement, free love between men and women. If you are sure to get married, you must get engaged. If you are engaged, you can look at the size of your face. Small meeting refers to blind date and informal contact arranged by men and women through matchmakers. If two people think each other is nice, they can arrange a good day to meet. When you meet a man, you should bring gifts and gifts to the woman, which is also agreed by both parties.
Second: get a license. After the ceremony, the two felt that they could get the certificate after being together for a long time. After receiving the certificate, the two are legal couples.
Three: hold a wedding. Before marriage, the man must formally marry the woman. Bride gifts include clothes, cloth, jewelry, etc. At the same time, please ask the teacher of Yin and Yang to write a face sticker to the woman, including the auspicious date of the wedding, the taboo of employing people, the matters needing attention on the way and so on. Also, in southern Texas, there is a saying that people marry big and marry small. Big wedding actually refers to drum music, deacon's wedding and large banquet for guests. A small wedding doesn't have to wait for the guest's sedan chair wedding. For the wedding customs in North Texas, there are wedding and farewell. Marriage is when the groom goes to the woman's house to say hello, and the woman is sent to the man's house.
It should be noted that in the wedding customs in Texas, the bride price is paid to the woman when she meets the man, is engaged and is formally married. The bride price must be auspicious numbers, 468,4000,6000,8000 plus three gold and one wood, including gold earrings, gold necklaces, gold rings and a light Mulan motorcycle. Now the bride price has gone up, more than 10 thousand, representing one in a million, three gold on the first floor.