When the bride was surrounded by guests and relatives attending the wedding, she came to the groom's door. First, the groom greeted the bride with wine and Hada, and then dismounted. Behind him, a girl stood at every step, one carrying a small wine cup and the other carrying a small hip flask to deliver wine to the guests who sent their families away. When the bride and groom entered the gate, two young women pulled red or white blankets in front of them. The bride and groom followed the felt, the man walked left and the woman walked right, holding a doll made of red cloth in their hands, and walked slowly into the yard side by side.
If it is "bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit", the bride goes to the kitchen god, and the woman selected by the job starts to comb her hair, change her hair style, wear a wedding dress and talk. At the opening ceremony, a pre-selected woman, with a rolling pin wrapped in red thread in her hand, turned several times in front of the bride and said, "Bride, bride, open your mouth and say what you have to say. Don't say what you say at home, don't say what you say at home. Shut your mouth and avoid trouble. "
There will be a journey between heaven and earth after wearing it. The bride and groom will worship four times in a row and then enter the bridal chamber.
Then thank the matchmaker. Turks call it "Wazwazmara". People gathered around the matchmaker, singing songs of thanks, toasting the matchmaker and spreading butter on his forehead. The red man and the matchmaker were invited to the party in the upstairs room.
Cooking was not commonly used before, mainly wine and meat. At present, there are eight courses, as well as local and China banquets, which are very rich.