Vulgar thoughts, customs, customs supervision, customs words, customs purity, customs, customs, customs, customs generation, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, customs, cynicism, customs.
1. Vulgar definitions and concepts
The word "vulgar" has multiple meanings in Chinese. On the one hand, vulgarity can refer to popularity, commonness and commonness, as opposed to elegance and profundity. On the other hand, customs can also refer to customs and habits, that is, practices and habits handed down from a certain social group.
2. Customs and culture
Customs and culture are closely related, and culture reflects the lifestyle, behavior norms and values of specific social groups. All regions and nationalities have their own unique customs and habits, which are the embodiment of cultural diversity. Custom is not only a part of culture, but also a carrier of cultural inheritance and development.
3. Social customs and etiquette
Social custom refers to a series of behavioral norms and regulations formed in social communication, covering people's words and deeds, manners and etiquette. Social customs will be different under different social groups and cultural backgrounds. Abiding by social customs can enhance mutual understanding and harmonious relationship between people.
4. Religious beliefs and customs
Religious belief has an important influence on the formation and development of customs. In many religions, believers will carry out specific worship and sacrifice activities according to doctrines and rituals, and these activities are often presented in specific customs. For example, traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival and Tomb-Sweeping Day, are rich in religious beliefs and customs.
5. Wedding customs
Wedding custom is one of the most common and representative customs in human society. Wedding customs in different regions and nationalities have their own characteristics, but they are all celebrations of marriage. Wedding custom includes not only ceremony, but also interaction and communication between newlyweds and two families.