Phrase definition: Lead, as a noun or verb, most commonly means "leadership". As a noun, lead can actually mean "lead", such as: black lead, black lead pencil. Today we are going to learn a phrase related to lead: walk past like a lead balloon. Balloon means "balloon", and blowing balloons is called blowing balloons. Fly the balloon. Balloons are light and can flutter in the air. However, a balloon made of lead is absolutely impossible to float, because the weight of lead is too heavy. In fact, no one uses lead to make balloons. In the photo, the little girl's balloon flew. Besides, the shot put of this comic hero can't fly. Passing like a lead balloon means: complete failure and being considered a loser by the public. The phrase fail pletely means "complete failure" and flop means "failure". Passing like a lead balloon means no effect, no effect (just like a lead balloon can't fly).
Scenario understanding:
1. My jokes were not popular-no one even laughed.
My joke didn't arouse any reaction, and no one even laughed.
The crack is broken; Smile.
I told my children that if they stopped playing computer games, I would take them to Disneyland. But my suggestion didn't attract attention.
I told the children that if they stopped playing video games, I would take them to Disneyland. But the children didn't respond to my suggestion.
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