If both men and women agree, the man will go to the woman's house to propose marriage. Generally, the man should entrust a matchmaker to propose marriage to the woman's home and introduce the advantages and family conditions of the man to her parents. If the woman's parents agree to get married, the man will ask the woman's birthday, and then he will ask the fortune teller to calculate his wedding date.
Then the man has to prepare a bride price, which is the bride price. Generally, the man will prepare about 60 thousand bride price, wedding three gold, wedding room, bride's new clothes, snacks and so on The decoration of the wedding room is basically the responsibility of the woman, and some women's parents will take the new car as a dowry. About ten days before the wedding, the man will send someone to send the bride price to the woman's house. This is called "Give Ten Books".
A man needs someone to make his bed the day before the wedding. Generally, women who can have children will make the bed. After making the bed, sprinkle peanuts, lotus seeds, jujubes, lilies and other objects on the bed, which means that the bride and groom will have a baby early and get along well for a hundred years. And find a boy to jump on the newly-married bed, which is called "pressing the bed". There is a saying that money is spilled.
On the wedding day, when the man's pick-up motorcade passes through intersections, bridges and ancient temples, firecrackers should be set off to ward off evil spirits. When picking up the bride, you need to bravely face the door-blocking game set by the bridesmaid in order to really pick up the bride. The groom wants to meet his parents-in-law at the woman's house and change his mind. The bride should be held by the groom. From his home to the wedding car, and then back home, the groom has to carry the bride through the gate. There is a big brazier in the gate, and the groom should carry the bride across the brazier to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters.
The bride and groom finished their worship in the hall, and then drank a toast. Then everyone crowded the bride and groom to the bridal chamber. After three days of marriage, the bride and groom will go back to their parents' home together. At this time, the woman's brother will make things difficult for the man and let the groom cherish the bride forever.