Cut a piece of red square paper and fold the red paper from left to right. Then fold it off and roll it in from the right now. When you push it out of the hierarchy correctly, please pay attention to the volume. That's it, until it's all rolled up, and then stick the joint together. Finally, clean up. Just fold a red rose.
Rose implication:
Rose (English name: rose? [16]): It is the general name of many plants and cultivated flowers in Rosaceae. Erect, spreading or climbing shrubs, mostly prickly, with needles or prickles, sparsely spineless, hairy, hairless or glandular. Leaves alternate; Flowers are solitary; Receptacle spherical, altar-shaped to cup-shaped;
Petals 5, sparse 4, spreading, imbricate arrangement, white, yellow, pink to red; Style terminal in lateral, pendulous, free or upper part united; The petals are obovate, double to semi-double, and the flowers are purplish red, yellow, pink, white and various complex colors. The branches are weak, drooping and prickly, and only bloom once a year.
Roses are the most famous and popular of all flowers. Roses have been highly regarded for centuries. Historical evidence shows that they grew up in China about 5,000 years ago, and they have been playing a role in history ever since.
Whether ancient Greeks, Romans, Christians, freemasons or others, roses have always been an eternal symbol of love, beauty and equality. Although each color expresses love, beauty and balance slightly differently, the main message is still love.
A rose has many different meanings, depending on its color. However, any rose can usually be regarded as a symbol: love, honor, faith, beauty, balance, enthusiasm, wisdom, dedication and eternity.