To begin or begin:
To start or set out:
Set about solving this problem.
Begin to solve the problem
Keep it for special purposes.
Set aside: To set aside for a special purpose
Make eye-catching:
The personality traits that set her apart.
Her striking personality.
set aside
Separate and keep for a special purpose.
Set aside: To set aside or set aside for special use
Discard or reject.
Give up
Declare invalid; Repeal or veto:
To declare useless, cancel, or reject:
The court quashed the conviction.
The court acquitted him.
To attack or attack:
To strike or attack:
The dogs pounced on the fox.
The dog jumped at the fox.
Slow down the progress of; Hinder.
Stop: slow down the process; rear
Informal cost:
Informal expenditure:
That coat cost me 1, 000 dollars.
That dress cost me $65,438+0,000.
set up
Keep for future use:
Reserved for future use:
It is wise to store food and money for a rainy day.
It is wise to store food and money for a rainy day.
lay down
Sit down; Seats:
Sit: make sit; Sit down:
Put the baby here.
Let the child sit here.
Write it down; Record:
Record: write it down; Record:
We noted down the facts.
Let's write down the facts.
Attach importance to; Consider:
Thinking; Regard as:
Think of him as a stalker.
When he is a sinister person.
Attributable to a certain reason; Attribute:
Attribution to: caused by; Property ... Recipient:
Let's attribute this mistake to inexperience.
Let's attribute the mistake to inexperience.
To land (an airplane):
To land (an airplane):
The pilot landed the plane hard.
The pilot landed the plane with difficulty.
Put forward for consideration; Proposal:
Put forward: put forward ideas; Suggestion:
Put forward a reasonable plan.
Put forward a reasonable plan
Express in words:
Express in words:
She has expounded her thoughts.
She has expressed her thoughts.
began to travel
Start traveling.
began to travel
To insert:
Sleeve in the sleeve of a robe.
Insert into the sleeve of a dress
To begin or become apparent:
To begin to appear or appear:
"When I was walking on the road over the top of the mountain, night fell" (Charles siebert)
"When I was walking on the hilltop highway, night fell" (Charles Shebert)
Move to the shore. Used of wind or water.
(wind) current (blowing) to the shore: to move to the shore. Used for wind and water
give rise to
Produce; Cause to happen:
Cause; Cause to happen:
Initiate a chemical reaction
Have a chemical reaction
To explode:
Cause an explosion:
Detonate the bomb.
Bomb explosion
Expressing difference; Distinguish:
Distinguish: point out the differences; Distinguish:
The characteristics that set him apart.
The characteristics that set him apart.
Draw attention by comparison; Emphasize:
Emphasis: attract attention through comparison; Emphasize:
Print a paragraph in italics.
Emphasize a paragraph in italics.
Start a trip:
Start the journey:
Set out for Europe.
Start a trip to Europe
Start a serious attempt; Bear:
Start: start an eager plan; Set about:
He began to understand the reason why the plan failed.
He began to understand why the plan failed.
Show systematically and vividly:
Vividly represent:
Design a terrace.
Draw terrain
To present for exhibition or sale.
Exhibition: set up for exhibition or sales.
Start sowing.
Plant young trees
Start a journey:
Start the journey:
She set out for town at dawn.
She set out for town at sunrise.
Start doing it with great energy; Start resolutely
Start working energetically; Let's begin.
Start work: start work enthusiastically; begin
Start fighting.
Start fighting
Stand upright.
Upright: to put in a vertical position
Promotion; Raise.
Elevator; rise
Raise authority or power; Investment power:
Raise authority or power; Authorization:
They described the general as a dictator.
They gave the general command.
Put forward (oneself) as; Claiming to be:
Claiming to recommend (oneself); Claiming to be:
He claims to be an authority on English.
He claims to be an expert in English.
Assembly and erection:
Assembly and assembly:
Install a new machine.
Assemble a new machine
Establish; Find:
Set up a charity.
Establish a charity
Lead to:
Cause, cause:
They protested loudly against the new tax.
They spoke out against the new tax.
Establish a business by providing funds, equipment or other support.
Establish an enterprise by providing funds, equipment or other support.
Informal language
Buy (someone) a drink.
Serve (sb.). ) drinks.
Pay for (drinks).
Pay (for a drink)
To excite or excite:
Informal words to stimulate or encourage:
A victory that really inspired the team.
The victory inspired the whole team.
Make plans for:
Plan: make a plan:
Plan a kidnapping.
Plan a kidnapping
To put (others) in a compromise position by deception or trickery:
To make (others) compromise by deception:
The liar set me up.
The liar lied to me.
Violent attack:
Strike hard:
The guards set dogs on the escaped prisoners.
The guard let the dog attack the escaped prisoner.
Cause to ignite and burn.
Arson: To ignite or cause to burn.
set foot on
Step on it.
Walk in
Start ...
Give impetus to:
Give a stimulus:
The indictment initiated judicial proceedings.
Complaints speed up the adjudication process.
be absorbed in
Be determined to do sth.
decide to do sth.
with an eye to
Aim at:
Set goals:
She set her sights on medical school.
She wants to go to medical school.
Be lit
Cause to ignite and burn.
Arson: To cause to ignite or burn.
Make excited:
This music fascinates the audience.
Music excites the audience.
set sail
Start sailing on water.
Set sail: set sail and start sailing on water
Correct (sb)
Correct (someone) by providing comprehensive and accurate information.
Correct: To correct (someone) by providing a large amount of correct information.
Regard as valuable or valuable.
Considered valuable or valuable.
Take the lead
Advance at a speed that other competitors try to reach or exceed.
Lead: Advance at the speed that other competitors try to catch up or surpass.
Imitate the behavior or expression that others try to imitate.
Lead by example: to act or do things in a way that others try to surpass.
Get ready for ...
To provide a basis for:
Provide the basis:
The threat of force to prepare for war.
A sword that provides the foundation for war.
Establish housekeeping management
Start a family.
Form a family: form a family
set up shop
Set up your own business.
Build a career: build a career