Taishi Gong said: Resentment poisons people deeply! The king can't do it for his lieutenants yet, and the same is true! It's a worm to let Wu Zixu die of luxury. Abandoning xiaoyi, snow is a great shame, and it will be remembered for generations to come. Fang Zixu was embarrassed on the river, begging for food, and determined to forget evil? Therefore, forbearance will get ahead. Who can do this without a fierce husband? Bai Gong can't gain enlightenment unless he is a monarch!
Commentary: Tai Shigong said: Resentment is really too powerful for human beings! The monarch still can't hold a grudge against his officials, not to mention that people have the same status! If Wu Zixu dies with his father Wu She, what's the difference between him and an ant? Give up filial piety, remove the great shame and let the reputation spread to future generations. Pathetic! When Wu Zixu was embarrassed and in danger by the river, begging along the way, did he forget his hatred for Du Ying for a moment? Therefore, he is not an upright and courageous person who has restrained patience and achieved fame. Who can do this? If Bai Gong doesn't stand on his own feet as king, I'm afraid his achievements and strategies will never be finished!
My uncle is my mother's brother or brother. They are also one of the people who loved us the most when we were growing up. We should say something when we get marr