The Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 BC-256 BC) was the period after China moved from Zhou to Wang. The princes established Prince Ijiu, who was abandoned before, as the king, and was called Zhou Pingwang in history, with its capital in Luoyi. Later generations called this period "the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" because it was different from the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the first half of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the princes fought for hegemony, which was called "Spring and Autumn Period" in history. In the second half of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Emperor of Zhou existed in name only, and the princes conquered each other, which was called "Warring States" in history.
After Pingtung moved eastward, its jurisdiction was greatly reduced, just like a small country. Coupled with the alleged killing of his father, his prestige among the princes is not as good as before. According to Zuo Zhuan, there were 140 vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period. Faced with the attack and merger between governors and the invasion of foreign countries on the border, Zhou Wang could not bear the responsibility of the Lord and often turned to some powerful governors for help. In this case, the powerful vassal usurped the hegemony position, while the vassal of the Central Plains invaded Siyi with the slogan of "respecting the king and resisting foreign countries" to defend themselves.
In the seventeenth year of King Xiang of Zhou (635 BC), there was a "sub-band chaos". King Xiang could not make peace and turned to Wen Gong for help, so he became the land of Bo De Hanoi. In the twentieth year of King Xiang of Zhou (632 BC), King Xiang was forced by Jin Wengong to establish a land alliance in Heyang. When Zhou Nanwang was in China, the country became weaker and weaker, and at the same time, internal struggles continued, even splitting into the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty. Wang Yun moved the capital to the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the eighth year of Zhou Nanwang (the first 307 years), when Qin attacked Korea for two weeks, Zhou people dared not offend both sides and were in a dilemma. East and west are located between the great powers, so they can't fight together, but attack and kill each other. In the fifty-ninth year of King Kuai (256 BC), the Western Zhou Dynasty was destroyed by Qin. In the same year, the king died of illness, Qin seized the dominant position, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty perished. Seven years later, the State of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was also destroyed by the State of Qin. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty * * * spread to the 25th King for 5 15 years. This period is a period of social system transformation in China, marked by the extensive use of iron.