What people need to pay attention to is that some special etiquette and manners, the identity background of guests, the relationship between guests and many other factors should be considered in the arrangement of wedding seats. The main table of a wedding is usually the bride and groom, parents, married brothers and sisters. In many places, wedding customs, newlyweds usually sit in the middle of the main table, but also follow? Male left female right? The habit of arranging relatives and friends on both sides.
If a western-style wedding is held, the bride's father will be arranged to sit near the red carpet for convenience. The father of the bride will take the bride into the church and give her to the groom. If the newlyweds have a large family and cannot arrange a main table, they can arrange two main tables, and the elders and VIPs of both sides can sit at two tables separately.
In short, it is suggested that the bride and groom pay more attention to details in the wedding. There are always some small details in a wedding that can't be ignored. In the process of preparing for the wedding, we need to know all aspects to give ourselves a perfect wedding.