Greeting cards, stationery, ashtrays, ZIPPO lighters, wallets, pens, digital photo frames, ashtrays, smoking sets (cigarette holders, etc. ), men's skin care products, DIY scarves, Swiss army knives, car models (other models), iPad or peripherals, iPhone or peripherals, water cups.
2. If it is for a boy you like, and it is a specific day, such as a birthday, you can give it to him:
ZIPPO lighter, pen, digital photo frame, DIY cake, men's skin care products, DIY scarf, Swiss army knife, DIY lucky star, DIY paper crane, DIY cross stitch, DIY clay figurine, stone bead bracelet, bamboo slip love letter.
3. You are lovers. To express your love, you can give it to him:
Socks, clothes, shoes, underwear, lovers' shirts, DIY photo albums, DIY cakes, men's skin care products, DIY scarves, Swiss army knives.