Chaozhou folk custom hospitality chaozhou people hospitality. When guests arrive home, they usually get congou. The brewing of congou tea is more particular. The first punch is generally not drunk, and the second punch is to invite guests. In the old society, relatives who had been away from home for a long time went back to their hometown or were guests, or the guests who visited for the first time were invited to eat sweet eggs by their families or hosts. Now they don't pay much attention to this etiquette. The custom of marrying a woman teaches family rules: when a woman marries, in addition to the general principles and knowledge of being a daughter-in-law taught by her parents and elders, there is also a ceremony to ask her daughter to sit on the water tank before getting on the sedan chair. This custom implies that a daughter should be as generous as a water tank, open-minded and not haggle over every ounce. Know the rice jar: Listen to Weng Gu introduce the location of the rice jar and the number of people cooking porridge at home. Water collecting tank: Wenggu told me where to fetch water, where to hang buckets and bucket hooks, and how to keep drinking water hygienic. Stir the rice jar: stir with a wooden stick to show the daughter-in-law that there is no cooked rice in it, indicating that it cannot be wasted. Make a fire: teach your daughter-in-law to make a fire and cook. It is customary for the bride to cook instead of aunt Weng or sister-in-law when she enters the door. Even if the rich family has a maid to cook, it will take 12 days, or four months a month to do it well. Eating standing up: When the bride is new here, she should respect the old and love the young, and start eating standing up and adding dishes to her elders. After staying for four or twelve days, the parents advised the daughter-in-law to sit and eat or not to add meals to the elders to avoid this gift. Can't stand on the threshold, can't sit in the purlin; Hold tea according to the level of guest and host. Washing clothes: men's clothes should be washed first, women's clothes should be washed first, elders' clothes should be washed first, younger ones should be washed later, dark clothes should be washed first, light clothes should be washed later, underwear should be washed first, etc. Chaozhou Opera Culture Chaozhou Opera. Judging from the performance customs of Southern Opera and Chaozhou Opera, the wind of sacrifice is very hot. The object of sacrifice is generally in two aspects: one is the surname clan ancestor; First, the village gods (commonly known as land gods) and other gods. In the first month, you worship God, but in Chaoyang, you worship lights in the first month and worship God in February. Mother-in-law drama in March, Dragon Boat drama in May, wild drama in Guan, Shigu drama in July, drama of thanking gods in1February, entertainment, fund-raising and gambling drama punish civil lawsuit disputes, and the negative party is also punished and given as a gift. Folk sayings of Chaozhou folk houses in festive dramas include the so-called Chaozhou Big Mistake Palace, which describes that Chaozhou folk houses can rival the imperial palace in architectural sequence, especially in decoration technology. The main feature of Chaozhou folk houses is to combine traditional architectural culture with traditional arts and crafts unique to Chaozhou, such as gold lacquer wood carving, craft stone carving, porcelain inlay art, metal craft, calligraphy and painting art, etc. Residential buildings are magnificent but not vulgar, elegant and charming, with rich cultural background and luxurious style. Therefore, since ancient times, there have been sayings of Chaozhou Dacuogong, Jinghua Yufu and Chaoshan people.
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