The difference between BMW 428 and 430
The difference between BMW 428 and 430 is: 1, and the maximum engine power is different: the maximum engine power of BMW 428 is 155kW (2.0T turbine plus engine); The maximum engine power of BMW 430 is 190 kW. 2. The maximum engine torque is different: the maximum engine torque of BMW 428 is 330 Nm; The maximum engine torque of BMW 430 is 400 Nm. 3. Different top speeds: BMW 428 has a top speed of 238 kilometers per hour; The BMW 430 has a top speed of 250 kilometers per hour. 4. The maximum engine horsepower is different: the maximum engine horsepower of BMW 428 is194; The engine of BMW 430 has a maximum horsepower of 258 horsepower.