Then the lanterns will be sent to the cemetery and placed on the graves of every deceased relative. When sending a lamp, it is lucky to light it first. People who send lanterns to graves must use their own matches when lighting them. If they borrow someone else's matches to light them, they think their ancestors can't see the light. When lighting a lamp, you should say: on the fifteenth day of the first month, send a lamp, send a gold lamp, send a silver lamp, and send an iron lamp. Some children's graves are bright, but there are no dark holes in front of them. Intentionally stealing a lamp, I stole a big iron lamp. My back couldn't move, it was cold and slippery, and the big cloth shirt burned a big hole. On the night of Lantern Festival, because every family sends lanterns, intersections and field cemeteries are brightly lit. This custom still exists in Heilongjiang and even the vast rural areas in Northeast China.
Popular in Liaodong and southern Liaoning, even in Dalian, Dandong, Yingkou and other areas, there are customs of sending lanterns, but not so old. Nowadays, most lanterns and oil lamps are replaced by red candles. Red candles represent happiness. As soon as it was dark, the men at home went to their ancestors' graves with lights and paper and burned paper for them at the door. Then, on the way home, you need to light a lamp when you meet an intersection. At home, women should light the kitchen stove, pigsty, wellhead, granary and animal pen, and point out the animal signs at home to show family safety. As for the meaning of sending lanterns, there are different legends. One theory is that lanterns are given to illuminate ancestors to catch lice. Sending a light at the intersection is to ask them to go home and find their way home by saving energy. Of course, sending lights is different.
Nowadays, in many areas of Northeast China, sending lanterns has been changed to electronic lamps, and in rural areas, fire has been used instead, and the custom of sending lanterns to graves is gradually becoming less grand. Young people are too lazy to do it. It's interesting to order a pile of fire wine directly.