In the past, pillows were made of cotton cloth or rice husk and packed in cloth bags, which were difficult to clean. If you have a pillow towel, you just need to clean it. Most of them are made of pure cotton yarn, and some of them are interwoven with acrylic yarn. There are two kinds of yarn-woven pillow towels and thread-woven pillow towels.
There are jacquard, printing, jet jacquard, jacquard embroidery, velvet printing, velvet jacquard and plaid (anti-plaid) pillow towel, etc. The fabric is tight and firm, soft and elastic, and comfortable to use. Used to protect the pillowcase clean and tidy, but also decorative. Mainly used for cleaning, pillow towel replacement and cleaning more convenient.
For example, people with oily hair are easy to get oily pillow towels, and dirty things such as saliva will be on the pillow towels. Unclean pillow towels will cause skin problems such as acne. It is best to change it once a week. Because the pillow towel is most likely to stick to sweat and oil stains secreted by the skin, because it should be in close contact with your skin for at least 8 hours every day.
Can be cleaned with 25% ammonia solution. You can also soak clothes in local 3% salt water for a few minutes, rinse them with water, and then wash them with detergent. You can boil the pillow towel in hot water, then expose it to the sun and keep it clean, and the mites will naturally be killed. Or wash with mite-removing soap.
Remove stains
1, soak in warm water, add proper amount of washing powder for two or three minutes, and then wipe with dirty friends' keys.
2, with warm water, add a small amount of gasoline and washing powder, soak for a few minutes and then clean, strong decontamination, but pay attention to safety.
3, add a small amount of bleach when washing the pillow towel, and the effect is also good.