The origin of the word marriage can be traced back to the ancient wedding customs, and the pinyin is: h ū n. In ancient times, when people hold weddings, they usually decorate houses and streets with big red silk to show happiness and good luck. The word "marry" consists of female characters and faint characters, in which female characters mean women and faint characters mean sunset, that is, night. Therefore, the word marriage means a wedding in the evening.
In ancient times, it was generally believed that evening was the time when yin and yang alternated, which represented the beginning of a new day. Therefore, the wedding held in the evening is considered as a symbol of good luck and happiness. At the same time, ancient weddings are often accompanied by ceremonies of sacrifice and blessing to pray for the gods to bless the happiness and happiness of marriage.
With the passage of time, the wedding custom has gradually evolved and simplified, but the meaning of the word marriage has been used to this day. Now, the word marriage has become a very common word in Chinese, meaning marriage, marriage and so on. The origin of the word marriage is closely related to the ancient marriage customs, which represents people's blessings and expectations for marriage and family. Nowadays, the word marriage has become an indispensable word in Chinese and plays an important role in people's daily life.
Wedding words:
1. Marital change: refers to the change and crisis in the marital relationship, and more refers to the situation that the relationship between husband and wife is cracked or even divorced.
2. Marriage: refers to the process of marriage between men and women, including weddings, wedding banquets and other ceremonies and activities.
3. Marriage: refers to the love relationship between men and women, often referring to the love experience and emotional entanglement between couples.
4. Marriage: The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the most basic family relationships in society.
5. Engagement: refers to a marriage contract concluded between a man and a woman that has certain legal effect and needs to be observed and maintained.
6. Wedding: refers to the celebration and ceremony of wedding, including various traditional and modern celebration methods.
7. Wedding photos: refers to the photos taken by newlyweds, which are often the first photos of married life.