Marriage dialect "Zhang Wang Li Zhao is in the twelfth lunar month, and the rioters are in March and September",
In China, Zhang Wang and Li Zhaodu avoid the June and twelfth lunar months of the lunar calendar. Zhang is the surname given by the Yellow Emperor. In ancient times, for soldiers who fought bravely, the Yellow Emperor gave them the surname Zhang, which was related to the longbow. Wang is given a surname. Li was given the surname by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Zhao was given the surname by the Emperor of the Song Dynasty. Legend has it that Mr. Zu of Zhang Wang and Li Zhao died in the twelfth lunar month in June of the lunar calendar. Therefore, in June and the twelfth lunar month, Zhang Wang and Li Zhao will not get married, break ground to build houses, and hold any celebration is disrespectful to their ancestors! ! !