Interior Office, Yuxing and Qin refer to married women who are married on auspicious days, rank officials and accompany the elderly, and play a role in marriage. During the dinner, the tribute minister and Fujin's father embroidered robes, dressed up and boarded the East Stage of the Qing Palace. Fujin's father knelt down to the north. The minister of Tibetan calendar stood to the west and said, "There is an imperial decree. Nowadays, it is a blessing for a woman to match a gentleman. " Fujin's father accepted the order, knelt three times and knocked nine times, and retired. This is a Gina coin. (See Fund. On the last day, officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried the gifts into Fujin's house with colorful pavilions. Chen Yuan was in the hall, in court and under the steps, and he told them with money. Fujin's parents are grateful, and Yan Xi will salute as a ceremony. On the day before the wedding, Fujin Jia Yu sent a dowry to the prince's palace to pave the way. The next day (near the Bay), the prince embroidered robes to mend clothes and saluted the empress dowager, emperor and queen. If it's a concubine or a concubine, you have to salute before the concubine is born. The prince is like Fujin's parents' home, holding a wedding and returning to the palace. The Ministry of Internal Affairs selected eight people to accompany the women's palace to wait in front of the Golden Pavilion. Praise the daughter of life, Prince Yu Yi, and wait in the palace. As for Fujin's family leaving the palace gate, the foot army commanded the headquarters to sweep the road. Evie was prepared for the ceremony, with red silk curtains. Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 1 person, 20 officials, 40 embroidered robes and 40 guards, such as Fujin family. At this auspicious moment, the Institute of Internal Management was grandly launched in nave. Fujin dresses get married. Follow the female official up and down. Internal schools are different. Stirrups are 80 torches and 10 pioneers. The female officer's entourage rode out of the gate. The front line is ceremonial, and the commander-in-chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Guards guide and protect it before and after. Outside the Forbidden City, everyone dismounted and stepped in, and the ceremonial ceremony stopped outside the palace. The female officer followed the jade to the front of the womb and put it down. The female officer led Fujin out of the palace and led him into the palace. On this auspicious occasion, the minister praised the wine brought by the maid and the set swallows. The prince and Fujin held a wedding ceremony, and all the deacons retired. On the same day, the Minister of the Interior Office, the Imperial Guards with more than two products, the Eight Banners and the Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs gathered together, and officials of Fujin's relatives, the ministers with the same flag, the Imperial Guards and other officials gathered in the Arrow Pavilion, and the ladies-in-waiting held a banquet in the long room to pay the Fujin family. On the first day, the Prince, Fujin, Su Yu, the royal robes and the wife in charge of the internal affairs office guided the Empress Dowager, the Emperor and the Queen to the court to see the ceremony. Prince comes first, Fujin comes last. The prince kneels three times and knocks nine times, and Fujin kneels three times and worships three times. The second time, the princess and his wife saluted in front. The prince kneels two times and kowtows six times, and Fujin kneels four times and kowtows two times, each like an instrument, and retreats. (where to salute, the palace supervisor led the attendants to play the newspaper. The prince still salutes like Fujin's parents' home.
-"History of the Palace of the National Dynasty"
According to Manchu custom, the newly married daughter-in-law does not see her in-laws on the wedding day. Moreover, as usual, guests attending the wedding reception on that day are not allowed to see the new wife, and at most, they will leave when the sedan chair of the new wife takes the door.
The wedding system of the Qing emperor was very strict in distinguishing the official from the ordinary. The emperor's direct line Fujin needs the emperor to refer to marriage, paying special attention to the woman's birth. And side Fujin does not have such a high status. As a result, many wedding customs have been cancelled.