How is the text effect made? Poster PHOTOSHOP 1. First, open AdobePhotoshop software, and execute the menu "File"/"New" (shortcut key CtrlN), and a new dialog box will pop up with the name: Create colorful font effect, width: 640 pixels, height: 480 pixels, resolution: 72 pixels/inch, color mode: RGB color, 8 bits, background content:.
2. Executive menu: "Open" to import the wood board material, adjust the wood board material size appropriately, and place the wood board at 6M"z8N6H%F0t? $ Q5 & ampH*?
3. Click the horizontal text tool in the toolbox, enter the text to be made, and then set the font:, size: 328.63 points, color: white on the tool options bar, and set the anti-aliasing method.
4. Double-click the P text layer to enter the layer style, and check the options of projection, internal light, bevel and relief, gloss and gradient superposition respectively.
5. Click the Create New Layer button on the Layers panel to create a new layer, select the custom shape tool in the toolbox, set it to path mode in the tool options bar, select the "star" shape in the shape list, hold down the Shift key and drag the "star" shape out of the drawing area with the left mouse button, and then press the shortcut key CtrlEnter to convert the shape into a selection. Set the foreground color to white, press AltDelete to fill the color, then copy more stars, adjust the position and size of the stars, and CtrlE will merge all the layers of the stars into one layer.
6. Select the brush tool in the toolbox.
7. Click the New Layer button on the Layers panel, name it Light, and then use the pen tool to draw the shape of a curve. Click the left mouse button to pop up the left menu to select strokes, press the keyboard shortcut CtrlEnter to change to selection, and press the keyboard shortcut CTRL LD to cancel selection.
8. Click the Create New Layer button on the Layers panel and name it Color. Then use the brush tool to draw lines of different colors at will. Execute menu: Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur, and the Gaussian Blur dialog box will pop up. Set the radius to 25.2 pixels and the layer blending mode to hue.
10, and the adjusted renderings are also final renderings.
How does ps design artistic words for posters? Ps makes artistic words for some posters. Actually, it's not too difficult. Let Bian Xiao tell you the method and study together.
The method of making poster artistic words by ps
After opening the picture, select the tool as shown in the figure and enter the text. The text format is shown in Figure 2.
Select Projection in Add Layer Style, select Gradient Overlay in the pop-up dialog box, and then click OK. Actually, I think that's enough. If you like colors, you can do the following.
Right-click the mouse in the background layer and select "Merge Visible Layers" in the pop-up dialog box.
Select the magic wand tool and click on the text to select the text.
Select the Gradient tool as shown in the figure, select the color you like, and then drag the text with the mouse. The effect is as follows. When finished, press ctrl+D to cancel the selection.
Just save the picture as shown.