From Sichuan to Hunan, there is an official road going east. When this official road came to a small mountain town called "Tea Cave" near the Xiangxi border, there was a small white tower beside the stream, and a family lived under it. There is only an old man, a girl and a yellow dog in this family.
The stream flows down the river, around the mountain, and joins the river in the tea cave for about three miles. If people walk across the stream and climb over the hill, they will reach the edge of Tea Cave City, which is only a mile away. The stream is like a bow, and the mountain road is like a bowstring. There is a slight difference between distance and distance. This stream is about 20 feet wide, and the riverbed is made of big stones. Still water, even if it is too deep to sink, is still clear and transparent, and the fish in the middle reaches of the river can be counted. The stream is a tunnel between Sichuan and Hunan, and the water often fluctuates. Due to the shortage of funds, a square ferry was arranged. This ferry can carry about 20 passengers across the river at a time, both men and horses. When there are many people, they will come and go again and again. A small bamboo pole was erected at the head of the ferry, and a movable iron ring was hung. A section of waste cable is pulled in the flumes at both ends of the river bank. When someone is in transition, hang the iron ring on the waste cable, and the people on board climb the cable hand in hand and slowly lead the boat to the other side. As the ship was approaching the shore, the manager of the ferry called out "Go slow", jumped on the shore and pulled the hoop, so people, goods, cattle and horses all went ashore and disappeared over the hill. The ferry is owned by the public, so the transition people don't have to pay. Some people feel uneasy. When they grabbed a handful of money and threw it on the board, the person in charge of the ferry picked it up one by one and still stuffed it into the man's hand, just as seriously as when quarreling: "I have one mouth, three loads of rice, 700 yuan, that's enough. Who wants this! " ?
But if you can't do it, you must feel at ease in everything, and you can't be embarrassed if you don't get a return. Someone will take the money anyway. The boatman was ungrateful. In order to save his mind, he sent money to the teahouse to buy tea and tobacco, and tied the fine tobacco produced in the teahouse to his belt. Whoever needed it during the transition gave generously. Sometimes it is estimated from the air that passers-by have paid considerable attention to the grass smoke around them, so they stick a small sokcho cigarette in the man's bag and say, "Don't smoke this? This is good, this is wonderful, it tastes good, and it is also suitable for giving away! " Tea leaves are put into vats in June and soaked in boiling water to quench the thirst of passers-by?
The person in charge of the ferry is an old man who lives under the tower. I lived for seventy years, and I have been staying by this stream since I was twenty. I don't know how many people have burned down the bridge in these fifty years. I'm too old. It should be a rest, but the sky doesn't allow him to rest. It seems that he can't live without this kind of life. He never thought about the significance of his position to himself, but lived there quietly and faithfully. When the sun rose, he felt not the sky, but the power of life. When the sun set, he didn't expect that it was the girl who died with him. His only friends are the ferryman and the yellow dog, and his only family is the girl.
The girl's mother, the only daughter of the old boatman, 15 years ago had an affair with a soldier in a teahouse and secretly cheated on her honest father. After having a child, the garrison sergeant wanted to ask her to escape downstream. But judging from the behavior of running away, it seems that one has violated the duty of a soldier, but the other has to leave his lonely father. After some consideration, the soldier saw that she didn't have the courage to go far, and she couldn't ruin her reputation as a soldier, so she thought: We can't get together when we go to life together, and no one can stop us when we die together, so she took the poison first. The woman is worried about a piece of meat in her stomach, so she can't bear to make a claim. Things have been known by my father as a ferryman, but my father didn't add a weighty word, as if he had never heard of it, and he still lived a quiet life. While feeling ashamed, the daughter felt pity and stayed with her father. After the baby was born, she went to the stream to eat a lot of cold water and died. Miraculously, the orphan grew up and was thirteen years old in the blink of an eye. In order to live in two mountains and many bamboos, and the green is conspicuous, the old boatman casually gave this poor orphan chick a similar name, called "Cui Cui". ?
Cui Cui grew up in windy days, his skin became dark and striking, and his eyes were crystal clear. Nature has nurtured her and educated her. She is innocent and lively, just like a small animal that can be seen everywhere. People are so good, like the yellow deer on the mountain, never consider cruelty, never worry, never get angry. At ordinary times, when strangers pay attention to her on the ferry, she looks at the stranger with bare eyes, as if she can escape to the mountains at any time, but after learning about people's inorganic heart, she plays leisurely by the water. ?
The old boatman will stay at the bow rain or shine. When someone crossed the border, he bent slightly, holding the bamboo cable by hand and crossing the stream. Sometimes when I am tired, I just lie on the stone in Linxi and fall asleep. People waved and shouted transition on the other side. Cui Cui wouldn't let her grandfather get up, so she jumped off the boat. She quickly crossed the stream for grandpa, and everything went smoothly without delay. Sometimes I am on the boat with my grandpa's yellow dog. During the transition period, I started with my grandfather. When the ship landed, my grandfather was greeting the guests: "Slow down, slow down". The yellow dog jumped up first, as if he knew how to do his duty. He clung to the tugboat's rope and approached the shore. ?
On a sunny day, there was no transition, and the town was long and idle, so my grandfather and Cui Cui sat in the sun on the big stone in front of the door. Or throw a piece of wood into the water from a height, let the yellow dog around jump down from the height of the rock and return the wood title. Or Cui Cui and Huang Gou are pricking up their ears in the city to listen to my grandfather's talk about war stories many years ago. Or my grandfather and Cui Cui, each with a bamboo clarinet, played a song to greet the bride and put the girl to her mouth. When the transition man came, the old boatman put down his bamboo tube and followed him on the boat alone. The man crossing the river, one on the rock, saw the ship moving, so he shouted sharply:
"Grandpa, grandpa, listen to me, you sing!" ?
Grandpa sang happily in the middle of the stream, and his hoarse voice vibrated with the sound of bamboo flute in the silent air. The stream seemed to be a little angry. In fact, the return of singing makes everything quieter. )?
Sometimes the transition is a sedan chair for calves, sheep and brides who cross the tea cave from East Sichuan. Cui Cui must be regarded as a ferryman, standing at the bow, lazily climbing the cable and letting the boat pass slowly. After the cattle and sheep sedan chairs dock, Cui Cui will follow, stand on the hill, watch these things go far, and then go back to the boat and bring it close to the shore. And imitate the bleating of lambs and cows alone, or tie a handful of wild flowers on your head and dress up as a bride alone. ?
Tea Mountain City is only one mile from the ferry. When buying oil and salt, when grandpa wants to drink a glass of wine on holidays, and when grandpa doesn't go to town, Yellow Dog will go to town with Cui Cui to prepare things. In selling groceries's shops, there are many fans, buckets of candy, firecrackers and red candles, which left a deep impression on Cui Cui. When I go back to my grandfather, I always talk about these things for a long time. There are many ships sailing by the river and hundreds of boatmen are busy loading and unloading department stores. This kind of boat is much bigger and more interesting than the ferry, and Cui Cui will not forget it easily. ?
Tea caves are built by mountains and rivers. On the side near the mountain, the wall climbed up the mountain like a long snake. On the waterfront side, there is room to set up a pier by the river outside the city and park a covered boat in the bay. When the boat went down, it took tung oil, green salt and dyed seeds. Upward, cotton, cotton yarn and cloth groceries are transported with seafood. There is a river street across the pier. Most of the houses are on land and half are in water. Because the rooms are limited, those houses are equipped with diaojiao buildings. The river has risen. When the water gradually enters the street, people on the river street use long ladders, with one end on the eaves and the other end on the wall. Everyone cursed and shouted, taking bags, bedclothes and rice jars and walking into the city from the ladder. When the water receded, they went out of the city through the gate. If the water comes particularly hard in a certain year, one place and two places of the diaojiao building by the river will be washed away by the flood, and everyone will look at the city. People who suffer losses also stare blankly, as if they have nothing to say about the loss, which is similar to seeing other irreparable misfortunes arrival under natural arrangements. When the water rises, you can also look at the suddenly widened rivers in the city. The flowing water is vast, and houses, cattle, sheep and trees come from the upper reaches with the mountains and rivers. So in places where the water level is slow, people often drive small sampans before the barges are closed. When they saw an animal, a small piece of wood or an empty boat floating in the middle of the river, and there were cries of women or children on board, they quickly took the paddle away, met the target downstream, tied it with a long rope and rowed to the shore. These honest and brave people, like ordinary locals, love profit and fight righteousness. Regardless of saving people, he is still in a pleasant adventure, very agile and brave, and people can't help but applaud it. ?
That river is a famous water in history, and its new name is Baihe. After the lower reaches of the Baihe River meet the Yuanshui River in Chenzhou, it is slightly turbid, meaning mountain spring. If you go upstream, the deep pool of three feet and five feet is crystal clear. The deep pool is reflected by the day, and the small white stone and patterned agate stone at the bottom of the river are clearly visible. Fish come and go in the water, all floating in the air. There are many mountains on both sides of the strait, and there are many fine bamboos in the mountains, which can make paper. They are dark green all year round and stand out. Close to the water tower, the moon comes first, and peach blossoms and apricot blossoms are in the majority. In spring, you just need to pay attention. Where there are peach blossoms, there must be people, and where there are people, you can sell wine. In summer, dazzling purple cloth and trousers are dried in the sun and can be used as flags of others. Autumn and winter are coming, and the houses on the cliff and the water bank are in front of us. Yellow walls and black tiles are always in a suitable position, which is extremely harmonious with the surrounding environment and makes people feel very happy. A traveler who is slightly interested in poetry and painting will not be bored by squatting in a boat in this river for 30 days. Just because there are miracles everywhere, the boldness and exquisiteness of nature are fascinating. ?
The source of the Baihe River comes from the Sichuan border. When the spring water comes, the boats ascending from Baihe can go straight to Xiushan, Sichuan. But if it belongs to the boundary of Hunan, the tea cave is the last water pier. Although the water surface of this river is about half a mile wide at the tea cave, when it falls into the water in autumn and winter, the river bed has less than 20 feet of water, leaving only a beach of bluestone. From then on, the ship could not get on, and all the import and export goods in eastern Sichuan fell into the water and landed from this place. The exported goods are carried by porters carrying Chinese fir poles, and the imported goods are moved from this place in bundles by manpower. ?
There is only one garrison in this local city, which is adapted from Tunding and green camp in the past, with about 500 households. (These households, except some small capitalists who own some oil mills in Shan Ye, or pay for oil, rice and cotton yarn, are mostly families with military status who came here that year. ) There is also a Lijin Bureau, whose office is in a small temple below the river street outside the city, and a long letter is often hung. The director lives in the city. A battalion of soldiers was stationed in the old general's yamen. Except for the trumpeter who went into the city to blow his horn every day to let people know that there was a garrison here, the rest of the soldiers seemed to not exist. During the daytime in winter, when I go to the city, I can see clothes and vegetables drying in front of people everywhere. Sweet potatoes are hung under the eaves with vines. Pockets made of brown clothes contain hard-shelled fruits such as chestnuts and hazelnuts, which are also hung under the eaves. Chickens crowing and frolicking everywhere in the corner. From time to time, men occupy the threshold in front of their houses to saw wood, or cut down trees with axes, and pile the cut firewood into the open fields like pagodas. Or you can see several middle-aged women, dressed in starchy blue, with white buttoned aprons hanging on their chests, talking and doing things while bowing their heads in the sun. Everything is always so quiet, and all people spend their days in this simple loneliness. A little silence will increase people's thinking ability on "personnel" and increase their dreams. Living in this small town, everyone is bound to have an inevitable expectation of love and hate for personnel in their own days. But what do these people think? Nobody knows. Living in a relatively high city, you can overlook the river and the scenery in the river at one stop in front of the door. Here comes the ship, watching countless trackers from the beach. Some of those trackers also brought snacks and foreign sugar from the downstream, but after landing, they brought them into the city to exchange money. The boat is coming, and the children's imagination is on the one hand of those who pull the boat. Adults, raising a nest of chickens and two pigs, asking the boatman to wear a pair of gold earrings, bringing back two zhangs of green cloth or an altar of good soy sauce and a double Mobil lampshade have taken up most of the hearts of housewives. ?
Although this small town is so quiet and peaceful, this place is the hub of commercial transactions in eastern Sichuan, so the situation outside Xiao Xie Street is a little different. There are also hotels where businessmen stay, and barbershops where they are doing nothing. In addition, restaurants, grocery stores, oil mills, salt warehouses and flower shops all have their own positions and decorate this river street. There are also shops selling sandalwood live cars, bamboo cables, pots and pans for boats, and introducing people who eat dock meals as sailors. On the long table in front of the small restaurant, fried carp tofu is often placed, decorated with shredded red pepper, lying in a shallow bowl, and there are many red chopsticks in the big bamboo tube next to the bowl. Whoever is willing to spend some money can sit down at the long table in front of the door and pull out a pair of chopsticks. A woman with thin eyebrows and white powder on her face came up and asked, "Big Brother, Vice President, do you want liqueur?" Want to soju? "The man with higher flame is humorous and interesting to the domestic shopkeeper. They will pretend to be angry and say, "Sweet wine? "Not a child, but also invite people to eat sweet wine!" Then, scoop out the bitter wine from the big urn with a bamboo tube, pour it into the tile bowl, and immediately come to the side table. The grocery store sells Mobil oil and lanterns made of Mobil oil, as well as incense paper. You pit tung oil. The salt piles up the green salt in the fire well. Huayi Zhuang has white cotton yarn, large cloth, cotton and black crepe silk for sale in Baotou. Everything is listed and everything is ready for the ship's supplies. Occasionally, there will be an iron anchor weighing more than 100 kilograms on the roadside outside the door, waiting for the main consultant to make an offer. Specially introduce sailors, eat at the dock, and live in the river street. The gate is open all day, and shipowners and sailors often come in and out. That place is like a teahouse, but they don't sell tea. They can smoke, not a cigarette shop. Although all the people who come here are doing business on the boat, most people have certain rules when going up and down and pulling fibers, so there is no need to discuss the quantity. Most of them come here to "party". Focus on "leading the charge", talk about local current affairs, business situation in two provinces, and "new things" downstream. Most of the people invited are here when collecting money, and they are often held here when drawing lots to see how many points are counted. Two things often become their business: buying and selling ships and buying and selling daughters-in-law. ?
With the development of business in metropolis, there is a certain kind of diners. Because of the needs of businessmen and sailors, a group of people gathered in some houses with diaojiao buildings on the river street in this border town. This kind of woman is either from the nearby countryside or a backward woman who came to Hunan with the Sichuan Army. She wore fake foreign silk clothes, printed trousers, thin eyebrows and a big bun covered with high sesame oil. Sit at the door and make shoes during the day, embroider double phoenix with red and green silk thread at the toe of shoes, or embroider a pocket for a lover sailor and watch passers-by to pass the long day. Or lean against the window by the river to watch the sailors spread goods and listen to the sailors climb the mast and sing. In the evening, they take turns to receive businessmen and sailors, and earnestly fulfill their obligations as prostitutes. ?
Because the folk customs in the border areas are simple, even prostitutes are always so vigorous. When you meet someone you don't know, you have to pay for doing business first, and then you can close the door and run wild. When people are ripe, money is dispensable. Prostitutes mostly live on Sichuan merchants, but most of them are sailors. Feelings are good, biting each other's lips and neck, swearing that "no one is allowed to mess around after breaking up." For forty or fifty days, the one who floats on the boat and the one who stays on the shore will stay for these days, trying to tie his heart tightly to a distant person. Women, in particular, are sincere and crazy beyond description. When a man doesn't come back after the appointed time, he often dreams that the boat is close to the shore, and a man staggered from the springboard to the shore and ran straight to this side. Or if there is suspicion between Japan and China, you will see a man singing to the other side on the mast in your dream, but you ignore yourself. Those with weaker personalities then jumped into the river to swallow opium smoke in their dreams, while those with stronger personalities went straight to the sailors with kitchen knives in their hands. Although their lives are so alienated from the general society, tears and joy, when they are integrated into these people's lives in a love-hate way, are similar to other young lives in another land. Their whole body and mind were soaked with that little love and hate and forgot everything. If anything, it's just that these people are more real and closer to confusion. Short-term engagement, long-term marriage, and temporary closing of the door, these transactions about women's bodies, because of the simplicity of people's feelings, do not feel how dirty and shameful, and onlookers never use the concept of a scholar to criticize and despise. These people not only value righteousness over profit, but also keep their promises. Even prostitutes are often more trustworthy than people who talk about morality and shame in the city. ?
The name of Zhangshui Wharf is Shunshun, who lived in the camp in the early Qing Dynasty. During the revolution, he became the commander of the famous 49th Standard Army. Some of them became great men and celebrities because of the revolution, and some were beheaded and dismembered. However, he came back to his hometown with the crazy pain of his feet from the happy event of his youth, and bought a six-paddle white wooden boat with a little money he saved, rented it to a poor ship owner and installed it between the tea cave and Chenzhou on his behalf. With luck, the ship won't break down for half a year, so he got a widow with white face and black hair and some industry from the money he earned. A few years later, he had four boats, a shop and two sons on this river. ?
However, this generous and free-spirited person, although his career is very smooth, can't attack like an oil dealer because he is willing to make friends, is generous and can help others. Since I have been living in the grain, I understand the hardships of people who go out and understand the feelings of frustrated people. Therefore, all shipmen who went bankrupt due to shipwreck, veterans passing by, people who studied in Mo Wen, and people who are famous in this place will try their best to help. While making money from the water, it is so free and easy, so free and easy. Although this person has some problems with his feet, he can swim. It's hard to be fair, but you are so selfless. Everything on the water was originally extremely simple, and everything was dominated by a habit. As usual, whoever bumped his head and hindered the interests of another person has the usual way to solve it. However, if you use this habit and rule to arrange everything, you must be a central figure with high age and good moral character. One autumn, the original deacon died, and Shunshun became such a substitute. At that time, he was only fifty. He is sensible, honest, peaceful and doesn't love money, so no one doubts his age. ?
Up to now, his son is eighteen and the youngest is sixteen. Both young people are as strong as bulls. They can sail, swim and walk long distances. All the things that young people from small towns and cities can do, they have done, they have done. Older people, like their father, are bold and open-minded. The young man approached his mother with white face and black hair. She doesn't like to talk, but her eyebrows are very conspicuous. At first glance, I knew that she was smart and affectionate. ?
Now that the two brothers have grown up, they must be trained in all kinds of life, so the father takes turns to send the two children to travel around. When sailing down, I often accompany my boat as a buddy, and I share the difficulties with others. When paddling, choose the heaviest one; When carrying the optical fiber, pull the second optical fiber; Eat dried fish, peppers, and stinky sauerkraut; Sleeping on the deck of the tough guys. If you go up by dry road, you can do business along the passenger and cargo in eastern Sichuan and through Xiushan, Longtan and Youyang. Whether it's cold or hot, rain or snow, you will put on straw sandals and press the station to move on. He had a short knife on him, and when he had to, he pulled it out, stood in the open space, waited for the opposite one, and then fought hand-to-hand with this man. The atmosphere in the gang is "use a knife to deal with the enemy and use a knife to contact friends", so when a knife is needed, they never let it miss the opportunity. Learn to trade, socialize, live in a new place, and protect your body and reputation with a knife. The purpose of education seems to be to let two children learn the courage and loyalty of being human. As a result of education, both of them are as strong as tigers, but they are good to their loved ones, not arrogant, not lazy, not flashy and not domineering. So when father and son are mentioned by the cave, everyone respects the name. ?
When the two sons were very young, the father knew that the eldest son was similar to himself, but he loved the second son a little. Because of this unconscious selfishness, he named his eldest son Tianbao and his second son Nuosong. God bless us with some personnel difficulties. As for what Nuoshen gave us, according to local customs, people can't take it lightly. Nuosong is beautiful, and the tea boat's family is not good at praising this kind of beauty. They only know to give him a nickname "Yue Yun". Although few people have seen Yue Yun with their own eyes, they got a similar impression from Yue Yun, a young man on the stage. ?
1the winter solstice in 933 was completed in1the spring of 934?