How does the fabaceous beans on the face get rid of?
It's just a manifestation of adolescence. Don't squeeze with your hands. Be sure to use deep cleanser to remove oil, so that pores can be unblocked. Then use some toner to close pores, smooth oil, and slowly solve the problem of oil balance on your face, and acne will gradually get better. More importantly, buy a bottle of exfoliating gel and use it once a week to exfoliate those old layers on your face and prevent acne from recurring. Of course, you should also detoxify your body. Drink some tea that detoxifies, or drink some tea that relieves the fire if you are in trouble. It depends on people. Keep a good mood. I hope your acne will disappear soon. I am also a MM with acne for two years, hehe, but after using this method, my skin is much better, and my acne rarely grows, but now my pores are still a little thick. (Note: Don't pursue those big brands too much. Be sure to choose the most suitable skin care products according to your skin. )