Yes 1940. During the decisive battle of Huangqiao, the headquarters of northern Jiangsu under the command of Chen Yi and Su Yu, thousands of people in Huangqiao rushed to make the local specialty "Huangqiao baked wheat cake", which was sent to the front line from all directions by carts and organized a stretcher team to transport the wounded, which played an important role in the victory of Huangqiao Campaign.
Huangqiao sesame seed cake song:
Huangqiao sesame seed cake is yellow, and Huang Huang sesame seed cake is busy.
Lee! Cooking cakes should be roasted with fire, and the army should rely on the help of ordinary people.
Comrades, eat enough, win more battles and hand in more guns!
Hey hey hey! Win more battles and hand in more guns!
Hey, cough! Huangqiao sesame seed cake is long and long. Long sesame seed cake has weight.
Lee! You can't finish the sesame seed cake in one bite. The enemy can't defeat it at once.