It is a bridal chamber, which is simply the marriage education of husband and wife; Several married middle-aged people look obscene, and they demonstrated more than a dozen postures to Sina and the bride, asking them to follow suit. Although wearing clothes, for example, looking for dates in clothes, or hitting the bride's leg with a beer bottle, the groom accurately inserted his leg into the hole with chopsticks. This wonderful action made people blush, so that in the end, the bride cried. As a result, the groom was completely angry, jumped up and shouted to let them go, and then gave up.
Generally speaking, it is civilized to ask the newlyweds to hug and kiss, dance and sing, and have a glass of wine at the wedding. Hanging apples and biting candy bars are childish games. And they're all girlfriends of new people. There is no uncivilized behavior of taking the opportunity to "skim oil". They will go home after a while. I once attended a wedding banquet around Nantong, which was another scene. One is the wedding room and the other is the wedding reception. Uncivilized behavior of making a wedding room is everywhere, so I won't say it. The wedding reception just mentioned focuses on the "husband and wife" (the parents of the groom) at the wedding, especially the "scraping ash" tool on the shoulders of the old man, with his face painted with black pot ash and his mouth shouting that the old man should go ahead. Mother-in-law is wearing a black apron, with a dustpan in her hand and her face painted red. During the dinner, her relatives and friends were very funny, and everyone was very unhappy! I am speechless about such a scene, and I always feel uncivilized and not worth advocating!
Coincidentally, I just attended my cousin's wedding a few days ago, which really taught me a lot. When the groom came to pick up the bride, a dozen big boys came together, all friends of the groom. I let the bride get on the sedan chair for nearly an hour and still blocked the groom from asking for a red envelope, which has at least one or three zeros. I can't let him get on the bus! At the end of the groom's house, the car stopped! An incredible scene happened. The boys brought a chain to tie the groom to a telephone pole, threw eggs and spilled soy sauce and vinegar powder all over him. I asked the people next to me and said it was a custom, but I really didn't understand their custom. So I struggled for half an hour before the bride and groom died. Before they died, they began to toss the groom's parents, comb their braids, and the groom's parents painted blush. I really can't stand it.