Generally, there will be a sign-in desk at the entrance of the banquet hall of the wedding banquet, where the guests who come to congratulate will hand in money, gifts and leave their names. But if you don't sign in, or miss the sign-in, you have to find opportunities for the newcomers yourself. Usually, before the official start of the wedding, when the newlyweds welcome guests, or in the second half of the wedding, when the newlyweds toast, it is more appropriate to give gifts when congratulating the newlyweds. If it is not a last resort, it is recommended to give the gift money to the newcomers and try not to let others transfer it. First, it seems that sincerity is not enough, and second, it is unclear what happened. Of course, try not to give gifts to others.
When is the right time to give gifts (money) for the first wedding?
1. If there is a sign-in desk, you can write your name and signature on the red envelope. Some people will arrange their names and seats at the door, which is very simple and convenient.
When the bride and groom greet each other at the door, say hello and happy wedding. If you are a friend of the bride and groom, give it to the bride and groom, and your friend will give it to the bride. Don't give it directly to the bridesmaid or the best man, even if it seems that he is delivering a bag to the couple.
If you are a friend of this couple's parents, give it to them generously. Congratulations. It is recommended to give it to the newcomer when you go in. If you are late, the ceremony has begun. I'll give it to you during the toast. My classmate is married, too. Everyone has a red envelope on the table, and the groom takes one after drinking it.
4. If you have a good relationship, you can give it in advance. If the relationship is average, you can give it when you enter the hotel door. Remember to write your name on the red envelope.
5. Follow others and give it to you if others give it to you. If the relationship is close, it can be handed over directly to the parties.
6. Don't think about this question, others will come up and ask.