What wedding etiquette should be paid attention to during the wedding?
Wedding Etiquette When the bride enters the venue, the bride's father usually leads the bride. When walking, the pace should not be too fast. It is better to control the distance of each step, and it is better to slow down. When the bride walks, don't be afraid of falling and don't bow your head too much. The proper wedding etiquette is to smile and strut. But for the sake of safety, the bride's line of sight can be slightly downward, but not too much, so as not to affect her image. Bride's wedding etiquette is very important when lifting the wedding dress. If the wedding dress is presented correctly, the bride will feel very elegant, but if it is not presented well, it will damage her image. Generally speaking, the bride holds the flowers in one hand and the wedding dress in the other. Pay attention to the middle and upper part of the wedding dress. Don't lift it too high to show your feet. At the same time, don't lift it too small. It doesn't feel necessary. It is advisable for the wedding dress to mop the floor with the skirt bottom, which is convenient for walking and does not expose the feet. Wedding etiquette of the bride taking off gloves At the wedding, many brides choose to wear gloves, sometimes to match the style of the wedding dress. But in the process of wearing a ring at the wedding, the bride needs to take off her gloves. The wedding etiquette for the bride to take off her gloves is to put the gloves slightly flat, with the fingertips close to the front of her body, and gently pull out her fingers from her thumb, and put them in a special storage position after taking off her gloves. When you decide to wear gloves to the wedding, you should prepare the storage location of the gloves after taking them off, and don't hold them in your hand when taking them off. The details of wedding etiquette in the ceremony The wedding is happy and moving, so there are often tears of joy in the wedding. In order to prevent the bride's makeup from being spent by tears, handkerchiefs and paper towels should be prepared in advance, which are prepared by bridesmaids. Slight tears don't matter, just wipe them with your hands. If the tears can't stop, the bridesmaid will secretly hand the bride a tissue from one side. When wiping, gently press it to avoid makeup and make the bride look more decent. Wedding Etiquette when the bride walks. Every bride wants to leave a perfect, elegant and dignified image at the wedding, so she should pay attention to the relevant wedding etiquette and want to know more about it.