Mabu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Wuxuan Town, wuxuan county, Laibin City, Guangxi. The urban-rural classification code is 122, which is a town-township combination area. The zoning code is 45 1323 100209, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 45 1323. The postal code is 542800, the long-distance telephone area code is 0772, and the license plate number is Gui G. Mabu Village is adjacent to Yacun, Chen Jialing Village, Lu Guan Village, Wubei Village, Wu Nan Village, Tongan Village, Dalu Village, Huilong Village, Caochang Village, Gongqiao Village, He Yao Village, Changshou Village, Duihe Village and Qingshui Village.
There are many tourist attractions near Mabu Village, such as Gu Jing in Dongjie, Gu Jing in Xiaojing Lane, Gu Jing in Gong Xue Street, Zhengfang Pavilion House, Laibin Baiya Grand Canyon, etc. There are specialties such as Wuxuan Niuxin Persimmon, Money Tangerine, Rouge Plum, Wuxuan Taro and Wuxuan Kistler.