SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(" server =。 ; uid = sapwd =; Database = demo "); //Create a connection object and link to the local sql server. The database is demo.
con . Open(); //Open the link
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(" show news ",con); //Create a sqlcommand object to implement database operations and execute stored procedures. This code is used to execute a stored procedure, and its name is shownews.
cmd。 CommandType=CommandType。 Stored procedure; //Specifies to execute the stored procedure.
cmd。 Parameter. Add("@newsID ",newsid); //The stored procedure has one input parameter, whose name is @newsID and its value is the value of newsID.
SqlDataReader dr= cmd。 ExecuteReader(); //execute
If(dr.Read())// Reads data, and read () is TRUE to indicate that there is data.
Label 1。 Text=dr["title"]。 ToString(); //assignment
Text box 1. Text=dr["content"]。 ToString();
Dr. Close (); //Close the link