Unlocking methods of crocodile teammates in chivalrous stories
1029 has been added. Go to Zhu Jian Villa on the map, turn right along Courtyard Road, and the dialogue with Special Envoy Zhu Jian next to Crocodile will be triggered.
You need huge rabbit meat to bring the crocodile out.
Then unlock the crocodile teammates.
In addition, if there is a chicken chef in the team, there will be a dialogue between the protagonist and the chicken chef.
Feed them separately: chicken → rabbit meat → wild goose meat → mountain pork → vulture meat → bear's paw → tiger whip → giant rabbit meat.
Feeding crocodiles really means watching and laughing once, and it's so dirty! Here is an appreciation for everyone.
The Return of the Legendary King of Chivalry/DLC Digital Edition v 1.0.3. 1