Condition analysis: The foreskin frenulum is located in the lower abdominal part of the glans penis in the foreskin and is connected to the lower part of the glans urethral opening through the coronal groove. It has strong elasticity and can be significantly extended when the penis is erect, and can be significantly shortened when the penis is soft and contracted. Violent masturbation or rough sexual intercourse can cause the foreskin frenulum to tear or completely disconnect. When the frenulum is torn, patients may experience pain at the tear site and excessive bleeding. The severity of foreskin frenulum tears varies. For minor tears, only the frenulum is torn at the glans. In severe cases, the frenulum is completely severed from the glans. Suggestions: Based on your situation, it is recommended that you go to a regular men's clinic. The hospital will do an external genital examination to see if sutures are needed. And always keep the glans clean and dry to avoid infection.