Header file 1(seqlist 1.h)
/* Define ElemType as int type */
typedef int ElemType
# Define LIST_SIZE 100
Total allocation of storage space for sequential tables
/* Sequential storage type */
Typedef structure {
ElemType * elem
Int length;
int listsize} SqList
Header file 2
/* Define ElemType as int type */
typedef int ElemType
# Define LIST_SIZE 100
Total allocation of storage space for sequential tables
/* Sequential storage type */
Typedef structure {
elem type elem[LIST _ SIZE];
Int length;
int listsize} SqList
/* Initialize sequence table */
void InitList(SqList *l)
/* Clear the sequence table */
void ClearList(SqList *l)
/* Find the length of the sequence table */
int list length(SQL list * l)
/* Check whether the sequence table is empty */
int list empty(SQL list * l)
/* Check whether the sequence table is full */
int list full(SQL list * l)
/* Traversal order table */
void ListTraverse(SqList *l)
/* Find elements from the sequence table */
ElemType GetElem(SqList *l,int i,ElemType e)
/* Find the position of an element with the same value as the given element in the sequence table */
int LocateElem(SqList *l,ElemType e)
/* Insert elements into the sequence table */
void ListInsert(SqList *l,int i,ElemType e)
/* Delete elements from the sequence table */
ElemType ListDelete(SqList *l,int i,ElemType e)