The most commonly used shortcut keys in AE software
New project Ctrl+Alt+N
Open the project Ctrl+O
When opening a project, just open the project window and hold down the Shift key.
Open the last opened project ctrl+alt+shift+p.
Save project Ctrl+S
Select tool v
Rotating tool w
Rectangular tool c
Elliptical tool q
Rear moving tool y
Zoom tool (use Alt to zoom out) z
Open the selected material item or composite image and double-click.
Open the movie Alt+ double-click in AE material window.
Add the selected subitem to the recently activated composite image Ctrl+/
Displays the settings Ctrl+K for the selected composite image.
Replace material file Ctrl+H
New folder Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N
Exit Ctrl+Q
Switch Ctrl+Tab in the open window.
Show/Hide Title Security Area and Operation Security Panel'
Show/Hide Grid Ctrl+'
Pause modifying the window uppercase lock key.
Loop between tabs in the current window and automatically resize Alt+Shift+.
Project panel Ctrl+0
Render queue panel Ctrl+Alt+0
Information panel Ctrl+2
Time control panel Ctrl+3
Audio panel Ctrl+4
Copy Ctrl+ C
Copy Ctrl+ D
Cut Ctrl+ X
Paste Ctrl+ V
Undo Ctrl+ Z
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z
Select all ctrl+a.
Show/Hide All Panel Tabs
New composite image Ctrl+N
Close the active window (except the project window)
Start at work and at home.
End of workspace Shift+End
Until you can see the previous key frame j.
You can see the key frame k in the last picture.
Time stamp or key frame Alt+J to the last visible layer
Time stamp or key frame Alt+K to the next visible layer
Enter the numbers 0-9 on the main keyboard of the composite image timestamp.
Scroll the selected layer to the top x of the time layout window.
Scroll the current timestamp to the center of the window.
To the specified time Ctrl+G
Composite image, time layout, material and movement in the layer window.
Go to the home page at the beginning or Ctrl+Alt+ Left Arrow.
End or Ctrl+Alt+ right arrow key end.
Page down or left arrow in the previous frame
Move forward ten frames+page down or Ctrl+Shift+ left arrow key.
Page up or right arrow back one frame.
Ten frames backward Shift+Page Up or Ctrl+Shift+ right arrow key.
To the entry point I of this floor.
Arrive at the exit point o of the floor
Start/stop playing spaces
Preview the audio at the current point in time. (keyboard)
RAM preview 0 (keyboard)
Fast video Alt+ drag to track the current timestamp
Fast audio Ctrl+ drag to the current timestamp
Replace the alpha outline Ctrl+Alt+0 (keyboard) with a rectangle in the wireframe preview.
Deselect all Ctrl+Shift+A or F2.
Layers, composite images, folders, and effects were renamed to Enter.
My subitem in the original application (Materials window only) Ctrl+E
Layer operations in the composite image and time layout window
Put it in front Ctrl+Shift+]
Shift+] to the next level.
Shift+ [
At the end, Ctrl+Shift+ [
Select the next layer Ctrl+ down arrow.
Select the previous layer Ctrl+ up arrow.
Reverse playback layer Ctrl+Alt+R
Set in point [
Set in point]
At the point Alt+[ in the clipping layer.
Out point of clipping layer Alt+]
Time remapping switch Ctrl+Alt+T for the selected layer.
Set Ctrl+U to the best quality.
Set the quality to draft ctrl+shift+u.
Set the quality to wireframe ctrl+shift+u.
Create a new entity layer Ctrl+Y
Display entity layer settings Ctrl+Shift+Y
Reorganization layer Ctrl+Shift+C
Set the entry point Ctrl+Shift+ through time expansion,
Set point Ctrl+Alt+ through time expansion,
Restrict rotation in 45-degree increments, hold down the Shift key and drag the rotation tool.
Constrains Shift+ drag layer to move along x or y axis.
Reset the rotation angle to 0 degrees, and then double-click the rotation tool.
Reset the zoom rate to 100%. Double-click the zoom tool.
Spatial scaling in composite images, layers, and footage windows.
Zoom in.
Select the layer 1-9 (numeric keyboard) by the number of layers.
Deselect Ctrl+ Shift+ A from all layers.
Lock the selected layer Ctrl+L
Releases the selected Ctrl+Shift+L for all layers.
Split the selected layer Ctrl+Shift+D
Activate the composite image window \
Displays the selected layer enter (keyboard) in the layer window.
Show hidden video Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V
Hide other videos Ctrl+Shift+V
Displays the effect control window Ctrl+Shift+T or F3 of the selected layer.
Switch between composite image window and time layout window.
Open the source layer Alt++ and double-click the layer.
Do not drag the handle zoom layer Ctrl+ drag the layer in the composite image window.
In the composite image window, make the layer close to the edge and center of the frame Alt+Shift+ drag the layer.
Approximate grid transformation Ctrl+Shit+''
Approximate reference line conversion ctrl+shift+;
Stretch layer is suitable for composite image window Ctrl+Alt+F.
Zoom to 100% on the main keyboard and/or double-click the zoom tool.
Enlarge and change the window Alt+. Or the Ctrl+ = key on the main keyboard.
Zoom out and change the window Alt+ or Ctrl +-
Zoom to 100% and change the window Alt+/
Zoom window Ctrl+\
Zoom window to fit monitor Ctrl+Shift+\
The zoom window is adapted to the window Ctrl+Alt+\
Enlarge the image and keep the window unchanged.
The image shrinks and the window remains the same. Ctrl+Alt+-
Zoom to frame view;
Zoom in time = on the main keyboard
Reduce the time spent using the main keyboard-
View the layer properties in the Time Layout window.
Anchor point a
Audio level l
Audio waveform LL
Mask feathering off
Mask shape m
Mask opacity TT
Opacity test
Position p
Rotation r
Scaling s
Show all animation values u
Set the layer attribute value (along with p, s, r, f, m) in the dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+attribute shortcut key.
Hide attribute Alt+Shift+ click attribute name.
Pop up the property slider, hold down the Alt key and click the property name.
Add/Delete Attribute Shift+ Click Attribute Name
Switch/mode conversion F4
Set Alt+ click the layer switch for all selected layer changes.
Settings of Workspace in Time Layout Window
Set the current timestamp to workspace start b
Set the current timestamp to the end of the workspace n.
Set the workspace to the selected layer ctrl+alt+B.
When no layer is selected, set the workspace to the length of the composite image CTRL+ALT+B.
Modify keyframes in the time layout window.
Set the keyframe speed ctrl+shift+k.
Set key frame interpolation Ctrl+Alt+K
Add or delete keyframes (when the timer is on) or turn on the timer Alt+Shift+ attribute shortcut key.
Select all keyframes of the attribute, and then click the attribute name.
Add all keyframes of the effect to the current keyframe, and select Ctrl+ click the effect name.
Move the keyframe to the specified time and drag the keyframe.
Move the key forward by one frame Alt+ right arrow key
Move the key back one frame Alt+ left arrow key
Move the key forward by ten frames Shift+Alt+ Right Arrow key.
Move the key back ten frames Shift+Alt+ Left Arrow key.
Select all visible keyframes in the selected layer Ctrl+Alt+A..
Go to the previous visible keyframe J.
Go to the next visible key frame k
Convert between linear interpolation and automatic Baesel interpolation Ctrl+ click keyframe.
Change the automatic Baesel interpolation method to the continuous Baesel interpolation method, and drag the keyframe handle.
Hold down the keyframe transformation Ctrl+Alt+H or Ctrl+Alt+ Click the keyframe handle.
Convert between continuous Baesel interpolation and Baesel interpolation Ctrl+ drag the keyframe handle.
Easy F9
Simple entry point Alt+F9
Take it easy. Ctrl+Alt+F9.
Precise operation of layers in composite image and time layout window
Moves the layer in the specified direction by one pixel arrow.
Rotate layer 1 degree+(numeric keypad)
Rotate layer-1 degree-(numeric keypad)
Enlarge layer 1% Ctrl++ (numeric keypad)
Reduce layer 1% Ctrl+- (numeric keypad)
The change of movement, rotation and scaling is 10 Shift+ shortcut key.
Fine-tuning of the layer is calculated according to the pixels at the current scaling, not the actual pixels.
Operation of composite image in composite image window
Show/hide the reference line ctrl+;
Lock/release the guide lock Ctrl+Alt+Shift+;
Show/hide ruler Ctrl+ R
Change the background color Ctrl+Shift+B
Set the resolution of the composite image to fullctrl+j.
Set the resolution of the composite image to halfctrl+shift+j.
Set the resolution of the composite image to quarterctrl+alt+shift+j shift+J.
Set the resolution of the composite image to customctrl+alt+j.
Synthetic image flow chart view Alt+F 1 1
Operation of mask in layer window
The ellipse mask is set to the ellipse tool of double-clicking the whole window.
The rectangle mask is set as a rectangle tool for double-clicking the whole window.
In free transform mode, hold down the Ctrl key and drag around the center point to zoom.
Select all the points on the mask, hold down the Alt key and click the mask.
Free Transform Mask Double-click the mask
Push out the free transformation mask mode and enter.
Masking operations in synthetic images and actual layout windows.
Define the mask shape Ctrl+ Shift+M
Define mask feather Ctrl+ Shift+F
Set mask inversion ctrl+shift+I
New mask Ctrl+ Shift+N
Actions in the effect control window
Select the arrow on the previous effect.
Select Next Effect Down Arrow
Expansion/winding effect control
Clear all effects on the layer.
Add keyframes to the effect control. Hold down the Alt key and click the effect property name.
Activate the composite image window containing layers \
Apply the last favorite effect Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F
Apply the last effect Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E
Masks are used in composite images and actual layout windows.
Set layer timestamp * (numeric keypad)
Clear the layer time marker Ctrl+ click the marker.
Time stamp or key frame Alt+J to previous visible layer
Alt+K to the next visible layer timestamp or key frame
Composite image timestamp 0-9 (numeric keypad)
Set and number the composite image timestamp Shift+0-9 (numeric keypad) of the current time.
Render queue window
Make a movie Ctrl+ M
Activate the recently activated composite image \
Add the active composite image to the render queue window Ctrl+ Shift+/
Copy the subitem Ctrl+ D without the output name in the queue.
Save the frame Ctrl+Alt+S
Open the render alignment window.
Switch from the selection tool to the pen tool and hold down the Ctrl key.
Switch from the pen tool to the selection tool. Hold down Ctrl.
Display the file name Ctrl+Alt+E in the information panel.
Adobe After Effects software can help you create countless eye-catching dynamic graphics and shocking visual effects efficiently and accurately. Add refreshing effects to your movies, videos, DVDs and Macromedia Flash works through unparalleled tight integration with other Adobe software, highly flexible 2D and 3D composition, and hundreds of preset effects and animations.