Xie An, whose real name is Anshi, is the cousin of Xie Shang. Father's name is Xie Mao, and his official position is too often clear. When Xie An was four years old, Huan Yi of Qiao County saw him and said in surprise, "This child is beautiful and delicate, and will not be worse than Wang Donghai in the future." When he was single for a year, he was calm, quick-thinking, clear-cut and well-written.
When I was young, I visited Wang Meng and had a long talk with him. After leaving, Wang Xiu, Wang Meng's son, said, "Who was the big shot just now?" Wang Meng said: "This person is diligent and will definitely not be an ordinary person in the future." Wang Dao also spoke highly of him. So Xie An became famous when he was young.
Original: When Situfu was first established, it was not only assisted by Zuo Lang, but also criticized by illness. Living in Huiji, traveling with Wang Xizhi, Levin Xu Xun and Sang Men Zhi Dun, when you go out, you enjoy the scenery; when you enter, you talk about literature, and you have no intention of dealing with the world. Yu Bing, Yangzhou Secretariat, with the same name as An, must be made. He was forced by the county to summon him, and he came back a month later.
Translation: At first, he was recruited by the Situ government, and worshipped the official as a supplementary text. Xie An refused to serve on the pretext of illness. When I lived in Huiji, I made friends with Wang Xizhi, Xu Xun of Levin and monk Zhi Dun. When I go out, I go fishing and hunting. When I go back to my house, I write poems and articles. I can't bear to be an official. Yu Bing, the secretariat of Yangzhou, has always wanted to take Xie An under his command because of his great fame. He repeatedly went to various counties to urge him to call, but Xie An couldn't call. After more than a month, he resigned and returned to his hometown.
It's no big deal to get rid of Shang Shulang and Wolf Evil Wang You. Wang Fan Juan, the official minister, is an official minister, and Ann keeps a distance from the book. There is a company called Daan, but it hasn't come in these years, and it is imprisoned for life, and it lives in the east. Taste the mountains of Lin 'an, sit in the stone room, and sigh at Jungu: "How far is it from Boyi!" "When I crossed the sea with Sun Chuo and others, there was a blustery, everyone was scared, and Ann Silver was calm.
The boat people took pleasure in safety and went anyway. When the wind became bad, Xu An said, "How can this become evil?" The boatman promised to return immediately. All the salt suits its magnanimity. Although Ann loves mountains and valleys, she will follow a prostitute every time she visits. Since he was tired, Jian Wendi took the opportunity to be a relative, saying, "Since Anshi is happy with others, he should share the worries with others and come at the call."
At that time, Andiwan was the commander-in-chief of Xiliang Army and always attached great importance to Xiliang Army. Although Ann is in Hengmen, and her name is still above ten thousand people, she naturally has the hope of public assistance, and she often teaches her children by example. A wife, sister Liu, saw that the family was rich and quiet, and said, "Isn't the husband the same?" Ann covered her nose and said, "I'm afraid I can't help it." And ten thousand waste, Ann began to be an official, more than forty years old.
Later, Xie An was appointed as Shang and Wang You, but Xie An declined. Wang Fan, the official department minister, recommended Xie An as the official department minister, and Xie An also refused. Someone wrote to the court that Xie An was drafted by the court, but he never obeyed and only traveled around the scenic spots in the east. Xie An once went to Lin 'an Mountain and sat in a cave. Facing the deep valley, he sighed leisurely and said, "What does such a good scenery have to do with Boyi!" He and Sun Chuo and others were boating on the sea, and the wind and waves were urgent, and everyone was afraid, except Xie An as usual.
The boatman was very happy and rowed as usual. When the storm turned stronger, Xie An said slowly, "How can we go back in such a strong wind?" The boatman took the boat back, and everyone admired Xie An's magnanimous and calm bearing. Although Xie An plays with mountains and rivers, he always takes prostitutes with him every time he visits. And Xie An repeatedly refused to listen to the imperial court. When Jian Wendi became prime minister, he said, "Kasper? Anshi can share his happiness with others, and he will certainly share his troubles with others. If we order again, he will definitely agree to make an appointment. "
At this time, Xie Wan, Xie An's younger brother, was already a corps commander in the west, shouldering the heavy responsibility of guarding the border. Although Xie An lives in seclusion in the mountains, his reputation is still bigger than that of his younger brother, and he has the reputation of a minister. He usually teaches his disciples etiquette at home. Xie An's wife is Liu's sister. Seeing that Xie Jia is a high-ranking official and only Xie An lives in seclusion in the mountains, she said to Xie An, "Don't you want to get rich?" Xie An covered his nose and said, "Not really." When Xie Wan was dismissed, Xie began to have an interest in being an official. At that time, he was already in his forties.
Original: Huan Wen, the general of the Western Expedition, invited him to be Sima, and will send the new pavilion to Baiguan and Xi 'an. Song said in a play: "Young people are tired of violating the imperial edict, and they lie high in Dongshan. Everyone confided in each other, and Anshi refused to come out. What will happen? " This life will be like He Qing! "Ann is very ashamed. I was very happy when I arrived, talking about life and laughing.
Huan Wen, the general of the Western Expedition, asked Xie An to be his Sima. Xie An set out from Xinting, and court officials came to see him off. Zhong joked with Song: "You have repeatedly disobeyed the will of the imperial court and stayed in Dongshan. Officials often talk about how Xie Anshi will face the people in Jiangdong if he refuses to be an official! Now how will the people in Jiangdong face the official Xie Anshi! " Xie An felt ashamed. To Huan Wen's mansion, Huan Wen was very happy. They talked about their life experiences and had a good time all day.
When he came out, Wen asked around, "Have you ever seen such a guest?" For warmth and security, a haircut is worthwhile. If you are slow, you can stop for a long time, so you can get rid of it. Wen Jian said, "Tell Sima to put on his hat and come in." This is the case.
After leaving, Huan Wen said to the left and right, "Have you ever seen such a guest?" Later, Huan Wen arrived at Xie An's residence, just as Xie An arranged her hair. Xie An was slow to respond. After cleaning up for a long time, the servant took the headscarf away. Huan Wen came out and stopped: "Let Sima put on his hat and say goodbye." This shows his respect.
Original: Wen Dang's Northern Expedition will inevitably lead to various diseases and seek to return to his hometown. Go to Xing Wu's satrap. There was no official reputation at that time, and people didn't think of it until they went. In a blink of an eye, he enlisted in the army and moved to the official department of Shangshu to protect the army at home.
Just as Huan Wen was preparing for the Northern Expedition, Xie Wan died of illness, and Xie An wrote to ask to go home to attend the funeral. Later, he became the governor of Xing Wu. At that time, his reputation in office was not special, but he was missed by everyone after he left. Later, he was appointed as an assistant and promoted to the official department of Shangshu and Bao Zhongjun.
Jian Wendi was ill, and someone suggested taking care of him. And the emperor collapsed, Wen went to the mountains and stopped at Xinting, and Chen moved to Jinshi, Hu and Wang, trying to harm them. I am very afraid of it, and I demand it. An noodles don't change color, saying, "The life and death of the golden throne depend on this trip."
Seeing the warmth and frankness, I sweated, dyed my clothes red, and the handwritten version hung upside down. Anping quietly sat down in his seat. Wen said, "I have heard that princes have ways to protect their neighbors. Why should the public be evil behind the wall?" Xiao Wen said: "No way." Then the laughter moved to the sun. Tan is as famous as An Chu. Only in this way can you know Tan's bad habits. When I heard that it was a sign of being a guest of honor, I said, "Thank you for breaking the gold."
Jian Wendi was seriously ill, and Huan Wen recommended Xie An to accept the testamentary edict. After Jian Wendi's death, Huan Wen went to Beijing to attend the funeral, stopped at Xinting, sent heavy troops to guard the pass, prepared to seize the opportunity to overthrow the Eastern Jin Dynasty, summoned Xie An and Wang, and planned to start during the meeting. Wang was very scared and asked Xie An what to do. Xie An looked the same and said, "The Jinshi family lives and dies at this time."
Seeing Huan Wen, Wang was so scared that he was sweating all over that he turned the manuscript upside down. Xie An took his seat calmly and said to Huan Wen, "Xie An heard that famous governors were obeying orders from all directions. Why do you want to hide behind the wall and do unjust things? " Huan Wen smiled and said, "I can't help it." So we talked and laughed for a long time. Wang is as famous as Xie An, and only then do we know Wang's inferiority. Huan Wen once showed the guests Xie An's letter to Jian Wendi, saying, "This is just a small masterpiece of Xie Anshi."
Liang Wudi in the Spring and Autumn Period was very rich. He is not in charge of his own affairs. He is warm and affectionate and different. Ann and Tan Zhongyong can finally compile Mu. When Wen was ill, he laughed at the court for adding nine tin to make grass. If it is safe, it needs to be changed, so it will not work after ten days. The weather will get warmer and the jar will sleep.
At that time, Emperor Xiaowu was young and could not grasp the actual military power. Huan Wen has a great reputation and knows many people, and everyone's mood is different. Xie An and Wang Yixin assisted, and the court was generally calm, with no major events. When Huan Wen was seriously ill, he suggested that the court add nine tin to him and let Justin draft The Last Watch. After Xie An saw it, he began to revise the manuscript, and he didn't change it for more than ten days. When Huan Wen died, the matter went away.
Original: Seek to be a servant of Shangshu, lead the official department and add generals. He also appointed Wang as the secretariat of Xuzhou and Zhao 'an as the general secretary of Guanzhong. Counseling in Anyi Village will learn from Wang Daozi, but it also depends on the benefits of harmony.
When the enemy invaded the territory, the book continued, Liang Yi did not keep it, Fan Deng fell into a trap, every town was peaceful and peaceful, and the royal plan was long-term. Virtue is good, civil and military use life, and there is no small test. With the outline, everyone is more elegant than Wang Dao.
Taste and Wang Xizhi boarded the smelting city, carefree and fascinated, with lofty aspirations. Xi said: "Yu Xia is a diligent king, and his hands and feet are calluses; King Wen eats it, and he gives it every day. Now that there are many suburban bases, it is not suitable for today to think about self-efficacy, but to talk about waste. " An said, "Qin Wei Shang Yang died in the second year. Is it clear that he will do what he says and do evil? "
Soon, Xie An was promoted to be a servant of Shangshu, always in charge of the official department, and became a general after the seal. He also ordered Wang to be the secretariat of Xuzhou and Xie An to be the secretariat of Zhongshu. Xie Anxin saved benevolence and righteousness, assisted the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and dissuaded officials. Even Wang Sima Daozi of Huiji relies on Xie An's assistance in reconciliation.
At that time, strong enemies invaded the border, and there were urgent documents from the border, and Liangzhou, Yizhou, Xiangyang and Dengzhou fell one after another. In the face of the crisis, Xie An remained calm and made a long-term plan for leniency and stability at home and abroad. Benevolence is widespread, and all officials in civil and military affairs are of one mind, regardless of gains and losses, and concentrate on major events. Everyone compares him to Wang Dao and thinks that he is more refined than Wang Dao.
Xie An once went to Yecheng with Wang Xizhi and pondered over the interests outside the secular world. Wang Xizhi said: "Xia Yu is diligent in political affairs, and her hands and feet are worn out; King Wen ruled the country and didn't even care about eating. Nowadays, there are so many wars on the border of the imperial court. Those in power should consider loyalty to the country. Talking about glitz will only ruin great things. I am afraid it is not what today's rulers should do. " Xie An said: "Shang Yang, who was appointed to reform and be pragmatic in the Qin Dynasty, only worked for two generations and died. Is this also the evil brought by empty talk? "
The palace was destroyed and I want to repair it. Shangshu ordered Wang Biao and others to remonstrate with foreigners, but they refused to obey, so they decided for themselves. When the palace is used, it is like a mysterious image, which fits perfectly, but there is no pain in taking it. He also led the Yangzhou secretariat and ordered hundreds of people to enter the temple.
At that time, the emperor began to kiss thousands of machines, enter the prison in Anzhong, ride generals, record history, and give up the army number. At that time, the elephant was out of control. In the year of drought, it was beaten and destroyed, and it was sealed after the early Jin Dynasty. In a short time, Stuart joined in, and the military and political officials of the rear army tried their best to match the government, but refused to worship. In the five states of Yu, Xu, Yan and Qing, plus the military holiday of Yan.
At that time, the Forbidden City was much dilapidated, and Xie An planned to renovate it. Shangshu ordered Wang Biao and other ministers to stop Xie An's invasion, but Xie An refused to listen and decided to repair the palace himself. The design of the palace conforms to the orientation of the astronomical phenomena and the Polaris, and the active servicemen have no resentment. Xie An also served as the secretariat of Yangzhou, and ordered 100 guards to enter the palace with weapons.
At that time, Emperor Xiaowu began to lead the government, and Xie An was promoted to be the supervisor of Chinese books, a general in title of generals in ancient times, and recorded the affairs of ministers. Xie An resolutely refused to be a military medal. At that time, the sky was abnormal and it was dry for several years. Xie An wrote to advocate the revival of the declining aristocratic family, looking for the descendants of heroes in the early Jin Dynasty and rewarding them. Soon, the imperial court added Xie An as Si Tuleideng, and all the military and civil officials under its jurisdiction were equipped with senior government posts. Xie An refused again. The court also appointed Xie An as the Yan National Army Festival and Festival in Shizhong, Yangzhou, Henan, Xu, Yan, Qing and Youzhou.
At that time, Fu Jian was powerful, its territory was in danger, and generals retreated in succession. Ann sent brother Shi and brother Xuan, and took advantage of the situation to attack them. General Wei, Kaifuyi, Third Division Ren Jianchang County Duke. After the establishment, the number of people was millions, second only to Huai Fei, and the capital was shocked. Jiaan conquered the viceroy. When Xuanjin asked, Anyi was fearless and replied, "I have another purpose." Then I became silent.
Xuan didn't dare to answer, so Zhang Xuan asked again. An Sui ordered him to be driven out of the villa, and when friends and relatives gathered together, he gambled with the consolation device in the villa. An Changqi is not as good as metaphysics. If he is afraid of the sun, he will be invincible to his opponent.
At this time, the sword of the former dynasty was very strong, and wars continued on the border, and the generals of the Eastern Jin Dynasty failed one after another. Xie An sent his brother Xie Shi and nephew Xie Xuan to send troops to conquer many times and won. General Feng Wei, the Third Division of Kaifu Instrument, and the Duke of Jianchang County. After Fu Jian led a great army, claiming to be a million, he marched straight into the Huaihe River and Feishui, and the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was shocked and frightened. The imperial court made Xie An the conquering governor. Xie Xuan asked Xie An about his plan to deal with the enemy. Xie An looked at Aetna, not afraid at all. He replied: "The court has other ideas." Don't talk after that.
Xie Xuan dared not ask again, and sent Zhang Xuan to ask for instructions. Xie An then drove to the villa in the mountain, surrounded by relatives and friends, and then sat down with Xie Xuan to play chess and bet on the villa. Xie An is not as good at chess as Xie Xuan. On this day, Xie Xuan was very scared, but his game with Xie An was lost to Xie An.
An Gu said that his niece Tan said, "I beg you with my villa." An Sui cruising, it is still night, which means that the generals have been given responsibilities. Xuan and others are all broken, and there are posts. An Fang plays chess with guests and puts it on the bed while reading, but he is not happy, and so is chess. When the guest asked, Xu replied, "My child broke the thief." I'm so happy that I can't feel my teeth fall off. It's too melodramatic. With the merits of the president, he entered the Pacific Insurance Company.
Xie An said to his nephew Yang Tan, "You can have this villa." Then I went hiking and didn't come back until evening. I deployed generals and arranged strategies or methods suitable for the time face to face. Xie Xuan and others have defeated Fu Jian, and the good news has reached Xie An. Xie An is playing Go with the guests. After reading the letter, he threw it on the bed. He looks unhappy and is still playing chess. The guest asked, and then slowly replied, "The younger generation defeated the enemy."
After playing chess, I went back to the back room, unable to restrain my inner excitement, and suddenly broke my fangs when I crossed the threshold. Xie An can be so calm and cover up the truth in front of people. Because of his active command of the war, he was awarded the Pacific Insurance.
Original: Angola wants to mix the tracks and seek the north. It is the army that entered the fifteen States of Yang, Jiang, Jing, Si, Yu, Xu, Yan, Qing, Ji, You, He, Ning, Yi, Yong and Liang, plus. His officers also learned the same thing, engaging in corps commanders. It is forbidden to wear the relief of Taibao and Juejue. At that time, Huan Chong was a pawn, and there was no shortage of Jingzhou and Jiangzhou. Therefore, the theory of things should be based on metaphysics and give something.
Ann and his son are both great masters, afraid of the court's suspicion, but also afraid of Huan's dereliction of duty. Huan Shiqian has the merits of Mianyang and is worried about his fierceness. In the land of victory, it was hard to control, so Huan was taken as Jingzhou, Huan Yi as the middle stream, and Shiqian as Yuzhou. According to the three States with Sanhuan, there is no complaint with each other and each has its own position. Its classics are far from competitors, and so are all kinds.
Xie An wanted to further unify the world and wrote a letter requesting an expedition to the north. Emperor Xiao Wu appointed Xie An as the commander-in-chief of the fifteen states of Yang, Jiang, Jing, Si, Yu, Xu, Yan, Qing, Ji, You, He, Ning, Yi, Yong and Liang, and the rest of his official positions remained unchanged, so he was appointed as a corps commander. Xie An wrote that he didn't want to be a Taibao title, but the court didn't agree. At this time, Huan Chong has passed away, and there are vacancies in Jing and Jiang States. Public opinion thinks that Xie Xuan has done a lot of things and has a high reputation, so he should be awarded the position of commander-in-chief of the two States.
Xie An is worried that the father and son are too high in status and will be suspected by the court. He was also worried that Huan's family would not accept losing the authority of Jing and Jiang. Huan Shiqian also had the meritorious military service in Mianyang. Considering that Huan Shi was modest and good at fighting, occupying a narrow victory and being difficult to control, he appointed Huan as the secretariat of Jingzhou, changed Huan Yi to keep Jiangzhou, and modest Huan Shi to keep Yuzhou, and sent three Huan to govern the three states together. There was no complaint between them, and they all got it. Xie An is in power, making long-term plans, and his subordinates do not dispute, which is very peaceful.
Sex is good for music, but my brother is devastated. I haven't listened to music for ten years. Moreover, the stage is auxiliary and the funeral is not wasted. Wang's book says that if you don't obey, your clothes will work, so it will become a custom. I also set up a villa in Tushan, which is full of forests and bamboo. Every time I bring my sons and nephews at home and abroad, I have to spend a lot of money on dishes, which is quite ridiculous in the world, but Uncle An doesn't care about leftovers. I often doubt that Liu Laozhi can't be lonely, and I know that Wang Weizhi shouldn't be a special city.
Xie An likes music. He hasn't listened to music for ten years since his brother Xie Wan died. He never stopped playing music when his relatives died. Wang wrote to persuade him, but he didn't reply. Many gentry learned from him and finally became a custom.
He built a villa on a dirt mountain, with magnificent buildings and lush trees. He often brings his sons and nephews at home and abroad to the villa to have fun. The banquet was luxurious and expensive, and people criticized Xie An for it, but Xie An didn't care. He often doubted that Liu Laozhi could not be appointed alone, and thought that Wang Weizhi was not fit to be a local governor.
Original: The prison ended in chaos, but the taste was greedy and defeated, so those who knew it were impressed.
Later, Liu Laozhi ended in an uprising and Wang Weizhi was defeated by corruption. Because of these things, people admire Xie An's understanding and good at employing people.
Wang Daozi's autocratic power will be seized at that time, but the treacherous flattery is quite fan-shaped, so he stepped out of the step mountain of Guangling Town and built a new city to avoid it. The emperor was born in Xichi, where he presented poems. Although Ann was sent by the DPRK, the ambition of Dongshan remained unchanged from beginning to end, and everything was said. There is also a new town in the town, where everything is done in the room and a sea suit is built. If you want to make a rough decision, go back to the east from the river road.
When I had no ambition, I got sick. Shang Shu asked for an appropriate amount of rotation, and called General Zi Zheng to take over the rest of the disciples, and ordered General Zhu Xulong to March on Luoyang. The forward commander announced his resistance to encirclement and appointed him. If the two thieves delay, the next year will be aquatic, and things will be raised together. I sent a letter to my servant to comfort me, so I returned to the capital.
When I heard that Dang Yu had entered Xizhoumen, my ambition was frustrated and I lost myself deeply. Because of disappointment, I said, "When Huan Wen was around, I was often afraid of being incomplete. Suddenly, I dreamed that I traveled 16 miles in Yu Wen just to see a white chicken. Those who use Yu Wen will take their place. Shili, it's only sixteen years now. The white chicken is the master, and now I am too old to raise it! "
Is to abdicate and send a letter to serve the Chinese and ministers. First of all, the stone was thrown and the golden drum suddenly broke. There was nothing wrong with the language, but a mistake suddenly surprised everyone. I looked for it. He is sixty-six years old.
On the third day, the emperor came to the court and gave Dongyuan a secret weapon, a set of royal clothes, a suit of clothes, a million dollars, a thousand pieces of cloth and 500 kilograms of wax, and gave it to the teacher, saying that he was Wen Jing. There is no room for giving up. Prepare a murder weapon in the palace. And burial, plus special ceremony, according to the story of Fu Huan Wen. Fu Jian is honored by Ping, and Luling Gong is more honored.
At that time, Emperor Xiaowu's younger brother was going to observe Daozi's dictatorship in Wang Sima. Some villains took the opportunity to fan the flames and fabricated charges against Zhongliang. Xie An was forced to leave Beijing to guard the foot of Guangling Mountain and build a new city to avoid disaster. Emperor Xiao Wu made a farewell dinner for Xie An in Xichi, toasting and writing poems. Although Xie An was entrusted by the imperial court, his interest in seclusion in Dongshan did not disappear, and he often showed it. Go to the new town outside the town, take the whole family to do ocean-going boats and equipment, and plan to wait until the world is generally stable and return to Dongshan by water.
It's just that he became seriously ill before his elegant wish came true. Xie An wrote to the imperial court, demanding to assess the situation, stop marching, and called General Lu Zhizi, told his soldiers to lay down their weapons and rest, and ordered General Zhu Xu, General Long Xiang, to enter Luoyang. Xie Xuan, the commander-in-chief of the vanguard, appointed Xie Xuan as the inspector in the face of the enemy in Pei County. If the defensive forces in the second city rely on terrain resistance, things will be attacked when the water rises next year. Emperor Xiaowu ordered his attendants to go to Xincheng to comfort Xie An, so Xie An returned to Beijing.
Hearing that the coachman had entered Xizhoumen, Xie An felt that his ambition had failed and his achievements had not been achieved. He was very emotional and said to his close friends, "When Huan Wen was in power, I often worried that I couldn't save myself. Suddenly one day, I dreamed that I drove sixteen miles in Huan Wen's car and stopped when I saw a white chicken. Sitting in Huan Wen's carriage, omen will take his place in charge of state affairs. Shili, it's exactly sixteen years since I came to power today. Bai Fengyou, it's a bad omen to be in the lion's den now. I'm afraid it won't work this time! "
So he wrote to resign, and Emperor Xiaowu sent an assistant and a minister to explain the will of the court. Before that, Xie An started from a stone, and the golden drum suddenly broke. Besides, Xie An never makes mistakes when he speaks. People felt very strange and suddenly made a mistake on this day. Soon Xie An died of illness at the age of 66.
Emperor Xiaowu cried in the palace for three days and gave him a coffin, a royal costume, a suit, millions of silver money, a thousand pieces of cloth and 500 Jin of wax. He gave it to a teacher, posthumous title, and posthumous title called him Wenjing. As there was no mausoleum, the funeral ceremony was ordered to be held in the house. Buried, held a grand ceremony, everything is in accordance with the standards of Fu Huan Wen before. He was also named Duke of Luling County for his achievements in defeating the former Dynasty.
Ann is not famous, but she loves her more. The villagers stopped in Suxian County are still safe. Ann asked about his capital and replied, "There are 50,000 cattail fans." Anna took what she caught, and the scholars in Beijing competed for the market, and the price rose several times.
Encore thought that Charlotte scholars chanted. She has a nasal disease, so her voice is slurred. Celebrities love her to sing, but she can still cover her nose with her hands. Speaking of the new city, it was built in the north of the city, and later generations remembered it and named it Dai.
Xie An has two sons: Xie Yao and Xie Yan. Xie Yao inherited the title, and the official was Wang You and Wang Ya, who died young. Zi Xie, heir, died as the magistrate of Dongyang. Xie Gai had no children, and his brother Guang Luxun adopted his son Xie to Xie Gai, inherited the title, and was removed from his official position because of his crime.
Xie An was famous when he was young, and people at that time loved him very much. A fellow villager is an official in Suzhong County. After he was dismissed from office and returned to his hometown, he went to see Xie An. Xie An asked him how much savings he had brought back to his hometown, and his fellow villagers replied, "Pufan is only 50 thousand." Xie An took one of them and held it in his hand. Scholars and ordinary people in Beijing rushed to buy this kind of fan, so that the price of the fan has doubled.
Xie An used to recite poems, but his voice was deep and heavy because of his nose. Celebrities like to imitate him, but they can't achieve his effect, so some people imitate him with their hands holding their noses. Xie An guarded the new town and built an earth dam in the north of the city. Later generations miss him and named the earth dam "Zhao Bodai".
Xie An has two sons: Xie Yao and Xie Yan. Xie Yao inherited the title, and the official was Wang Ya Wang You, who died early. Zi Xie, heir, died as the magistrate of Dongyang. Xie Gai had no children, and his brother Guang Luxun adopted his son Xie to Xie Gai, inherited the title, and was dismissed from his office for his crimes.
Xie An (320-385, 10, 12), whose real name is Anshi. Chen Jun was born in Yang Xia (now Taikang County, Henan Province). Politicians and celebrities in the Eastern Jin Dynasty often thanked the third son of General Zhenxi for thanking businessmen.
Xie An was born in the Xie family in Chen County. I have been famous for my eloquence since I was a child, and I have resigned many times. I live in seclusion in Dongshan, Shanyin County, Huiji County, traveling with Wang Xizhi and Xie's children. After all the Xie family members perished in Korea, he made a comeback, and successively served as the general Sima of the Western Expedition, the magistrate, the assistant minister, the official department minister, and the imperial army in China.
After Jian Wendi's death, Xie An and Wang defeated Huan Wen's attempt to usurp the throne. After Huan Wen's death, he supported Wang Biao and others even more. In the Battle of Feishui, Xie An, as the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, defeated the pre-Qin army, which claimed to be a million, with 80 thousand people, so that the Jin Dynasty could survive. After the war, his reputation was doubted by Emperor Xiao Wu, and he was forced to go to Guangling to avoid disaster. In the tenth year of Taiyuan (385), Xie An died of illness at the age of 66. Posthumous title's "Taifu", "Luling Gong" and "Wenjing".
Xie An is versatile, good at books and music. Elegant and gentle temperament, fair and decisive, not exclusive, not proud of credit, with prime minister bearing. He ruled the country in a complementary way between Confucianism and Taoism. As a noble family, he was able to take the overall situation into consideration and subordinate Xie Jia's interests to Kim's. Wang Jian of Qi called him "Prime Minister Jiang Zuofeng".