Use namespace std// You are not using a namespace. There must be some mistake.
void main()
{int score;
Cout & lt& lt "Enter your score"<& ltendl
CIN & gt; & gt score;
if(score & gt; 100 || Score & lt0)// You didn't judge the input number range.
{cout & lt& lt "error"<& ltendl.
cout & lt& lt" score = " & lt& lt":" & lt& ltendl
Switch(score/ 10)// The original switch was improperly used.
{Case 9: Cout <; & lt" A "<& ltendl breaks;
Case 8: Cout <; & lt“B”& lt; & ltendl breaks;
Case 7: Cout <; & lt" C "<& ltendl breaks;
Case 6: Cout <; & lt" D "<& ltendl breaks;
Default value: cout < < "f" <; & ltendl// There is something wrong with the original logic. A score below 60 should be F.