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Ask questions about Lex and Yacc in the parser generator development tool.
This paper mainly introduces "Questions about Lex and Yacc in the development tool of parser generator", mainly involving questions about Lex and Yacc in the development tool of parser generator. Students who are interested in asking questions about Lex and Yacc in the parser generator development tool can refer to it.

Note: expression is a double type and stringexp is a char * type.

Objective: To realize the mixed input mode of calculator and character string.

Status: Simple calculator and grammar expression ADD stringexp (for example: 3+4 3+4+“sdfe ") have been implemented.

Problem: the combination of char * string type itself and its combination with double calculator type, that is, stringexp ADD stringexp and stringexp ADD expression syntax, is not implemented. Multi-party testing, I think, is a problem of its grammatical analysis and construction, but the root cause has never been found. So I hope you can give me some suggestions, thank you.

Key: The code segment marked 1, 2 is bold and underlined. If the comment is cancelled, the test shows that the value of the string cannot be passed to the final statement.

The code is as follows:

/////////header file ch3hdr.h

# define NSYMS 20

Structural symbol table {

char * name

Int type;

double(* funcptr)();

Double value;

char * str

} symtab[NSYMS];

struct symtab * symlook();

//////////Lexical Analysis mylexer.l


# contains "myparser.h"

# include & ltstdio.h & gt

# include & ltstdlib.h & gt

# including "ch3hdr.h"

# include & ltmath.h & gt



([0-9]+|([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)([eE][-+]? [0-9]+)? ) {

yylval . dval = atof(YY text); //itoa

Quantity returned; }

[\ t];

"+" { return ADD; }

“-”{ return DEC; }

“*”{ return MUL; }

“/”{ return DIV; }

"(" { return LPAR}

")" {Returns RPAR;; }

"=" {returns QUE;; }

","{returns a comma; }

“$”{ return 0; }

//[\"]([A-Za-z0-9 ]*)[\"] {

[\"]([^\"]*)[\"] {

yylval.sval = yytext

Returns a string; }

[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* {

struct symtab * sp = symlook(YY text);

yylval.symp = sp

Returns the name; }

[.\n] returns yytext [0];


//////////////////Parse my parser . y


# contains "mylexer.h"

# including "ch3hdr.h"

# include & ltstring.h & gt

# include & ltmath.h & gt

# include & ltstdio.h & gt

# include & ltstdlib.h & gt

# Define MAXBUFF 100


% United {

Double dval

char * sval

struct symtab * symp


% token & ltsymp & gt name

% token & ltdval & gt number

% token & ltsval & gt line

%token QUE adds DEC MUL DIV LPAR RPAR comma.

% left plus decimal

% Left Multiplication Lattice

% sucrose-free aluminum

% type & ltdval & gt means

% type & ltsval & gtstringexp


Statement _ List: Statement' \n'

| Statement _ List Statement' \n'

Statement: named QUE expression {$1->; Value = $3; $ 1->; type = 1; Printf("%s is %g\n ",$1->; Name, $3); }

| name questring exp {$1->; Value = 0; $ 1->; str = strdup($ 3); $ 1->; type = 2; Printf("string %s is %s\n ",$1-> Name, $1-> str); }

| expression { printf(" expression = % g \ n ",$ 1); }

| string exp { printf(" string exp = % s \ n ",$ 1); }

stringe XP:expression ADD stringe XP { $ $ =(char *)malloc(sizeof(char *)max buff); sprintf($$," %g%s ",$ 1,$ 3); }

//| stringexp ADD stringexp { $ $ =(char *)malloc(sizeof(char *)max buff); sprintf($$," %s%s\n ",$ 1,$ 3); } - 1

//| string exp ADD expression { $ $ =(char *)malloc(sizeof(char *)max buff); } - 2

| STRING { strrev(strn set(strrev(strn set($ 1),' ', 1)),' ', 1); sprintf($$," %s ",$ 1); }

expression:expression ADD expression { $ $ = $ 1+$ 3; }

| NUMBER { $ $ = $ 1; }

| expression DEC expression { $ $ = $ 1-$ 3; }

| expression MUL expression { $ $ = $ 1 * $ 3; }

| expression DIV expression {

If ($3=0.0)

Yyerror ("divide by zero");


$$ = $ 1 / $3;


| DEC expression% prec UMINUS {$ $ =-$ 2;; }

| LPAR expression RPAR {$ $ = $ 2;; }

| NAME { $ $ = $ 1->; Value; }

| name LPAR expression RPAR {

if($ 1->; funcptr)

$ $ =($ 1->; funcptr)($ 3);

Otherwise {

Printf("%s is not a function \n ",$1-> Name);




| name LPAR expression comma expression RPAR {

if($ 1->; funcptr)

$ $ =($ 1->; funcptr)($3,$ 5);

Otherwise {

Printf("%s is not a function \n ",$1-> Name);





Structural symbol table * symbol table (characters)


struct symtab * sp

for(sp = symtab; sp & lt& ampsymtab[NSYMS]; sp++)


if(sp-& gt; Name and name. & amp! strcmp(sp-& gt; Name)

Return to sp;

If (! sp-& gt; Name)


sp-& gt; name = strdup(s);

Return to sp;



Yyerror ("too many symbols");

Exit (1);


addfunc(char *name,double (*func)())


struct symtab * sp = symlook(name);

sp-& gt; funcptr = func


Major (invalid)


extern double sqrt(),exp(),log(),atan2(),fmod();

addfunc("sqrt ",sqrt);

addfunc("exp ",exp);

Addfunc("log ");

addfunc("atan2 ",atan 2);

addfunc("fmod ",fmod);

YY parse();

