There are 13 categories of postgraduate majors: philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science, management and art. The 13 categories are further divided into 88 first-level disciplines, and the 88 first-level disciplines are further subdivided into more than 3 two disciplines, and there are more than 76 two disciplines established by the enrollment units themselves.
11 philosophy
111 Marxist philosophy
112 China philosophy
113 foreign philosophy
114 logic
115 ethics
116 aesthetics
117 religious teaching
. Learn
2 economics
21 theoretical economics
211 political economics
212 economic thought history
213 economic history
214 western economics
215 world economy
216 population, Resources and Environmental Economics
22 Applied Economics
221 National Economics
222 Regional Economics
223 Finance (including taxation)
224 Finance (including insurance)
225 Industrial Economics
225. > 229 quantitative economics
221 national defense economy
3 law
311 law theory
312 law history
313 constitutional law and administrative law
314 criminal law
315 civil and commercial law.
316 litigation law
317 economic law
318 environmental and resource protection law
319 international law (including: public international law, private international law and international economic law).
311 Military Law
32 Politics
321 Political Theory
322 Chinese and foreign political systems
323 Scientific Socialism and International * * * Productive Movement
324 * * Party History (including Party Theory and Party Building).
325 Marxist theory and ideological and political education
326 international politics
327 international relations
328 diplomacy
33 sociology
331 sociology
332 demography
333 anthropology
. > 341 Ethnology
342 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy
343 China Minority Economy
344 Chinese Minority History
345 China Minority Art
4 Pedagogy
41 Pedagogy
411 Pedagogy Principles.
412 Curriculum and Teaching Theory
413 Education History
414 Comparative Education
415 Preschool Education
416 Higher Education
417 Adult Education
418 Vocational and Technical Education
419 Special Education < Degree in Science)
42 Psychology (which can be taught with degrees in pedagogy and science)
421 Basic Psychology
422 Development and Educational Psychology
423 Applied Psychology
431 Sports Humanities Sociology
432 Sports Human Science (which can be taught)
433 physical education and training
434 national traditional physical education
5 literature
51 China language and literature
511 literature and art
512 linguistics and applied linguistics
513 Chinese philology
514 China classical philology < Contemporary literature
517 China minority languages and literature (by language family)
518 Comparative literature and world literature
52 Foreign languages and literature
521 English languages and literature
522 Russian languages and literature
523 French languages and literature
524 German languages and literature < Indian language and literature
527 Spanish language and literature
528 Arabic language and literature
529 European language and literature
521 Asian and African language and literature
5211 foreign linguistics and applied linguistics
53 journalism and communication
531 journalism
531. 41 art
542 music
543 art
544 design art
545 drama and opera
546 film
547 radio and television art
548 dance
6 history. 2 Archaeology and Museology
613 Historical Geography
614 Historical Philology (including Dunhuang studies and ancient philology)
615 Special History
616 Ancient History of China
617 Modern History of China
618 World History
7 Neo-Confucianism
71 Mathematics
711 Basic Mathematics
712 Computational Mathematics
71. On
72 physics
721 theoretical physics
722 particle physics and nuclear physics
723 atomic and molecular physics
724 plasma physics
725 condensed matter physics
726 acoustics
727 optics < 1 inorganic chemistry
732 analytical chemistry
733 organic chemistry
734 physical chemistry (including chemical physics)
735 polymer chemistry and physics
74 astronomy
741 astrophysics
742 astrometry and astromechanics
75 geography
751 physical geography
752 human geography
753 cartography and geographic information system
. 762 atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment
77 marine science
771 physical oceanography
772 marine chemistry
773 marine biology
774 marine geology
78 geophysics
781 solid geophysics
782. 1 mineralogy, petrology, mineral deposits
792 geochemistry
793 paleontology and stratigraphy (including paleoanthropology)
794 tectonic geology
795 quaternary geology
71 biology
711 botany
712 zoology
713 physiology
714 aquatic biology
715 microbiology
715 microbiology. Biology
719 cell biology
711 biochemistry and molecular biology
7111 biophysics
7112 ecology
711 system science
7111 system theory
7112 system analysis and integration
712 history of science and technology (. Degrees in science, engineering, agriculture and medicine can be awarded)
Note: two disciplines (discipline and specialty) is not set up in this first-level discipline
8 engineering
81 mechanics (engineering can be awarded, Degree in Science)
811 General Mechanics and Mechanics Foundation
812 Solid Mechanics
813 Fluid Mechanics
814 Engineering Mechanics
82 Mechanical Engineering
821 Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
822 Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
823. Optical engineering
Note: There is no two disciplines (discipline and specialty) for this level of discipline.
84 instrument science and technology
841 precision instrument and machinery
842 measurement technology and instrument
85 material science and engineering
851 material physics and chemistry
852 material science
853 material processing engineering
86 metallurgical engineering. Iron metallurgy
863 nonferrous metallurgy
87 power engineering and engineering thermophysics
871 engineering thermophysics
872 thermal engineering
873 power machinery and engineering
874 fluid machinery and engineering
875 refrigeration and cryogenic engineering
85. 81 motors and electrical appliances
882 power system and its automation
883 high voltage and insulation technology
884 power electronics and power transmission
885 electrical theory and new technology
89 electronic science and technology (teachable engineering, Degree in Science)
891 Physical Electronics
892 Circuits and Systems
893 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics
894 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
81 Information and Communication Engineering
811 Communication and Information System
812 Signal and Information Processing
. And control engineering
8112 detection technology and automation device
8113 system engineering
8114 pattern recognition and intelligent system
8115 navigation, guidance and control
812 computer science and technology (can teach engineering, Degree in Science)
8121 Computer System Structure
8122 Computer Software and Theory
8123 Computer Application Technology
813 Architecture
8131 Architectural History and Theory
8132 Architectural Design and Theory
8133 Urban Planning and Design (including: Landscape Planning) > 814 civil engineering
8141 geotechnical engineering
8142 structural engineering
8143 municipal engineering
8144 heating and gas supply, Ventilation and air conditioning engineering
8145 disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering
8146 bridge and tunnel engineering
8151 water conservancy engineering
8152 hydraulics and river dynamics
8153 hydraulic structure engineering
8154 water conservancy and hydropower engineering
. Coastal and offshore engineering
816 Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology
8161 Geodesy and Surveying Engineering
8162 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
8163 Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering
817 Chemical Engineering and Technology
8171 Chemical Engineering
8172 Chemical Technology
. Learn
8175 industrial catalysis
818 geological resources and geological engineering
8181 mineral survey and exploration
8182 earth exploration and information technology
8183 geological engineering
819 mining engineering
8191 mining engineering
8192 mineral processing engineering. And natural gas engineering
821 oil and gas well engineering
822 oil and gas field development engineering
823 oil and gas storage and transportation engineering
8211 textile engineering
8212 textile materials and textile design
8213 textile chemistry and dyeing and finishing engineering
83. And engineering
8221 pulp and paper engineering
8222 sugar engineering
8223 fermentation engineering
8224 leather chemistry and engineering
823 transportation engineering
8231 road and railway engineering
8232 traffic information engineering and control