An 86-year-old grandmother in the United States suffers from scoliosis, and her figure has been well corrected through yoga? Scribol, a Pais from the United States, suffered from bone degeneration due to his age. Due to the lack of muscle strength, she could no longer support her body, so the spine began to bend sideways and the intervertebral disc protruded. So in the past few decades, she has tried various methods to alleviate her pain, such as acupuncture, physical therapy, * * * and so on. But all these are temporary solutions, and soon these pains will spread all over the body, and I will spend them in a wheelchair every day until I meet her.
Rachel Jessian is a professional yoga teacher. She found that Paisi's body was not so healthy, so she took her to practice yoga, hoping to improve Paisi's physical condition through yoga. At first, Paisi felt very hard, because the pain caused by scoliosis and disc herniation made her body unable to rotate freely. However, Teacher Jason practiced with Paisi step by step by taking yoga. Once in class once a week, Paz can walk for a month by herself, which makes Paz's family feel incredible. After two months, she began to adjust her posture to improve her discomfort, such as hip and hip pain. Jason said that Pais was scared at first, because a small gesture would make her suffer, but slowly she continued to attend the weekly class.
After a month's practice, Pais has been able to stand and walk independently? Storydecker put his foot on the other leg easily? But under the guidance of Jason and doctors, Pais has made remarkable progress. Jess said that yoga can increase bone density and strengthen muscles, and relieve back and waist pain caused by osteoporosis, arthritis or other aging phenomena. Later, Pais and Jason insisted on doing weekly yoga for two years. From the beginning, I was afraid that practicing yoga would bring her pain, but now I can get rid of a disease and hunchback that I have been carrying for decades. This amazing change makes all relatives and friends around Pais unbelievable, and Pais' physical condition is getting better and better, just like being young 10 years old.
Pais goes to yoga once a week? Yogadork is getting healthier and healthier. Pais feels confident, and she owes everything to yoga. Pais: "I never thought yoga was such a great sport. It will lead me to the road of health. I must tell such a great thing to everyone around me and make them as beautiful as me. " 」
Pace, who is getting healthier and healthier, feels confident? Information provided by Nypost/edited by new york Post, York Dork and Story decker/Niu Niu
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