Forming coil
The motor coil is burnt out, and the maintenance method is as follows: the motor coil is burnt out, the burnt coil is removed and replaced with a new coil, and the motor is maintained by impregnating insulating paint to enhance insulation. When dismantling the burnt winding, measure the wire diameter, count the number of turns and span of each turn, remember the connection mode, and clean up the sundries in the slot. Coils with the same parameters are rolled off one by one according to the specified requirements, and the process shaping is carried out to make the exposed coil heads at both ends of the stator equal.

After the standby body is compliant, it passes through the wire pressing plate, and the head and tail of each coil are connected to the main wiring in turn, and then it is split into terminals. Then, the motor is placed vertically along the axis, enters the drying room or other safe heat sources, and is preheated to about 100℃ to facilitate the penetration of insulating paint.

Both ends were dipped in paint and then dried (85 ~110℃) for 4 hours. Finally, install the rotor and end cover, and test run for 0.5h. When grounding, short circuit and other faults occur after the paint dipping operation, the fault can be eliminated by replacing the whole coil. Before repairing unpainted, when faults such as current imbalance and power drop are detected, the fault is eliminated by partially replacing the coil. At this point, the motor maintenance coil is completed.