Second question: there is no format control character %p, so it is suggested to change it to printf ("pz =% d, pz+ 1 =% d \ n ",pz, pz+1); ? Get into a good habit. pz = zippo is to assign the first address of the zippo array to the pointer pz, and you can directly call printf(" Pz =% d, Pz+ 1 =% d \ n ",Pz, Pz+1); ? The output is the address of the array, not the value of the array. Pz corresponds to the address of 2 in the first element {2,4} of the array, and pz[0] is also the address of 2 in the first element {2,4} of the array, so it is equal, while pz+ 1 is the address of 6 in the second element {6,8} of the array, pz. Because the size of the array element is 2, your pz[0]+2 is equivalent to moving the pointer down one element!
The process is as follows:
# Contains? " stdio.h "
Invalid? Major (invalid)
int? zippo[4][2]={{2,4},{6,8},{ 1,3},{5,7 } };
int(* pz)[2];
pz = zippo
printf("pz=%d,pz+ 1=%d\n ",pz,pz+ 1);
printf("pz[0]=%d,pz[0]+2=%d\n ",pz[0],pz[0]+2);
Hope to adopt. Hee hee ...? Look at the results of the operation: