1. According to the material classification of sterilization bags, sterilization bags can be divided into paper-plastic sterilization bags and paper-paper sterilization bags; The essence of the paper-plastic bag we are talking about is that on the one hand, it is medical high-temperature dialysis paper or imported Arjo paper, and on the other hand, it is a sterile bag composed of medical CPP composite film or medical PET composite film. Our common sterilization roll bag belongs to paper plastic bag sterilization bag. As the name implies, the paper-paper sterilization bag is composed of medical high-temperature dialysis paper, imported Arjo paper or Tyvek paper.
2. According to the shape of sterilization bag, sterilization bag can be divided into plane sterilization bag and three-dimensional sterilization bag. The plane sterilization bag often mentioned by medical sterilization bag manufacturers refers to the double-sided sterilization bag with paper film or paper around it during the production process; Three-dimensional sterilization bag means that in the process of making sterilization bag, both sides of paper or film are folded, which makes the sterilization bag have more space when it is used, and is suitable for sterilization of medical devices with larger thickness.