Later, the scholar studied hard, entered the copying house, prayed for elections, and was awarded the post of county magistrate in Changshu County, Jiangsu Province. He was in high spirits, packed his luggage and handed in his business card on his way to work to visit his boss. At this time ⑿, Tang Palace was appointed as the governor of Jiangsu. Seeing the business card handed over, he said he couldn't see it. The scholar has asked for audience for many times, but he has never seen the face of Tang Palace. The patrol conveyed the words of Tang Palace: "Your name has been written on the impeachment book!" The scholar was stunned and asked, "Why was Xiaguan impeached?" Legend of the Patrol: "There is only one word-greed." The scholar must have made a mistake when considering it, and urgently asked to meet the governor's adult to state his reasons.
After the patrolman went in to report, the Tang Palace was still missing, and//let the patrolman come out and say, "You don't remember what happened in the bookstore a few months ago, do you?" When a scholar studies, he takes a penny as his life. Now he has the honor of being a local official, with authority in his hand. Can he search hard and be a thief in a black veil? You should quickly disband and go back. "
At this time, the scholar knew that the old man who once asked his name in the bookstore and laughed at him was today's governor.
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