Why ... Qiao Mei's figure ratio is not particularly good. Although this skirt raises the waistline, it doesn't hide the prominent crotch line, and it looks like it's fifty-fifty.
In addition, although Qiao Mei's forehead is naturally full and smooth, it is short and narrow, and the triangle between the eyebrows is not high. This angle and shape make her look not exquisite, but it is easy to run out of the country.
Before, she did turn over in the strong light.
Uncle remembers that Nana, the "most beautiful face" in South Korea, also has a short and round forehead similar to that in Song Hye Kyo, and the triangle between her eyebrows is not high, but this forehead shape looks good on her face.
As a great beauty who is also transformed, Nana's flowering period is particularly long, and she will bow down in front of her for four thousand years.
In the newly released photos, she has no Korean steamed bread and delicate swelling at all. Her face is tight and bony, and the forehead nodules and wrinkles clearly visible on her forehead make her whole spirit better, like a Hong Kong female star who fights aging with exercise.
Why is it also a triangle with a round forehead and low eyebrows? Why is there such a big gap between Nana and Song Hye Kyo in the later period? Does the forehead also affect our facial style? How can we improve the forehead aesthetics with a holistic view and treat the forehead and face comprehensively?
Come on, today is the forehead aesthetics special session.
In the early days, full and round foreheads were popular, saying that they could look sweeter, so many people made them up. Liu Yifei's straight forehead is popular now, and there is another saying that "straight forehead will appear more elegant and advanced".
In fact, we can never equate a round forehead with a sweet, straight forehead and noble temperament. Nini, who is getting better and better on the temperament route, has a rounder forehead than most people.
We can't say which forehead will look good, because there are more detailed differences about the forehead shape.
The so-called straight forehead and round forehead are just two manifestations and classifications of our forehead contour.
Looking at the contour line from the side of the forehead, there are two main positions that constitute our forehead contour, the frontal tubercle and the eyebrow arch, both of which have natural uplift, and the small depression formed in the middle is called the frontal sulcus.
Due to the interaction of frontal tubercle, frontal sulcus and eyebrow arch, our forehead has different shapes on the side. In addition to the straight and round forehead we know best, there are also oblique forehead. Because the main reason of forehead tilt is that the brow bone is too prominent than the frontal tubercle, forehead tilt is more common in male faces with five senses.
While straight forehead and round forehead will appear on women's faces with soft lines.
Frontal tubercles and sulcus spots are not obvious, and the side is straight. Such a forehead can usually clearly see the position of the frontal tubercle and eyebrow arch, so it is easier to produce a cool face with tight and three-dimensional skin.
Han Suxi, who was also a plastic surgery template before her face collapsed, also had a straight forehead and was angry for a while because of her cold temperament.
Because the straight line does not protrude too much on the forehead and side, it also gives more tolerance to the face. The most famous is the profile comparison of Dilraba and Guan Xiaotong. If Guan Xiaotong had a straight forehead like Dilraba, maybe his face wouldn't look so cruel in contrast.
When the forehead is fully developed, the frontal nodule is not obvious, the eyebrow arch is not prominent, and the frontal sulcus disappears in proportion. The side of our forehead is smooth and round, that is, our forehead is round.
The soft lines brought by the round forehead will add a touch of tenderness to the face, and because it is very close to the baby's forehead shape, there will be a saying that the round forehead is sweeter and older.
When uncle looked for the picture, he found that the hottest female star is still the roundest forehead, which shows that the aesthetics of the round forehead is still quite popular.
Queen Ziwei
Besides looking from the side, we also need to observe the forehead shape from the front.
The forehead width is connected with the hairline to form the forehead shape. There are many kinds of subdivision, such as triangle, trapezoid, square, semicircle, ellipse and so on. ...
Judging what kind of orthomorphism you are, you can also judge your five senses more rationally and get a solution.
For example, the ratio from the forehead to the width of the cheekbones.
Square and semicircle are based on a straight line, and the upward trend of lines passing through cheekbones slows down, and the forehead width is roughly parallel to cheekbones, so the possibility of expansion of forehead and zygomatic arch is very small, and most faces are smooth. But at the same time, it is also the most prone to appear in court too high, and the focus of adjustment can be placed in court, which can be covered by hair style or hairline adjustment.
Triangular, trapezoidal and oval foreheads are mostly narrowed by cheekbones, and few hairlines move backwards, looking like brothers. However, because of the sharp forehead, it is easy to have a prominent zygomatic arch. If you have a wide chin, it is easier to be top-heavy and affect the overall face shape, so you must find ways to widen the lines of the court.
Guan Xiaotong's own trapezoidal forehead is pointed, and combing the left hair is a disaster.
Among them, trapezoid and ellipse are the most prone to the problem of short stadium and easy to be cramped. Zhao Yuan, the most famous person who changed hairline, had a trapezoidal forehead. Although the shape is too regular and slightly stiff after the change, it is also a lot of atmosphere.
Similarly, there is Qiao Mei, whose face can become smaller after forehead plastic surgery.
Mutual restriction of forehead and forehead contour
After knowing the overall shape of the forehead, we can go back and study the original question: Why is the same forehead shape different between Nana and Song Hye Kyo?
There are two different inclusion relationships between the forehead and the front.
1. Forehead and frontal contour: make up the relationship.
On the positive side, there is a compensatory relationship between forehead demand and face shape, which can even modify the natural dullness or masculinity in face shape.
Nana and Song Hye Kyo Jing have similar foreheads. From the profile, both of them belong to arc, and the arc radian is not big, and the frontal tubercle can be seen vaguely, which should be between the round forehead and the straight forehead strictly speaking; Seen from the front, the shapes are all short ellipses.
But their faces are very different.
Nana has a square face of medium height. Although Song Hye Kyo Jing has obvious mandibular angle on its side, it still presents a smooth and soft oval face with a narrow face.
For Nana, if her jaw is wide, she can't match a square forehead or a semicircular forehead (referring to the state in front of her do face, you can imagine her thick bangs as a forehead), otherwise her face will be greatly widened and her shortcomings will not be covered up; On the contrary, when the forehead is round and smooth, it can make up for the dullness of her chin.
For Song Hui, her face is smooth, mostly with soft curves, and her forehead is very narrow. This kind of face is angular and boneless, and can't tolerate any signs of gaining weight, otherwise it will shift all the visual focus to the lower part of her face, which is prone to dullness.
She occasionally covers her forehead, but in fact she should widen her forehead to make up for the dullness of her lower face.
Find another pair of examples to verify this conclusion.
It is also a full semicircle forehead. Everyone thinks that Zhang Ziyi's face is more advanced and harmonious than Tan Ya's. In addition to the cliche of "physiognomy", Zhang Ziyi's face is more bony and has distinct lines. The semi-circular forehead with a solid skeleton in the lower half of the face and the heavier femininity can complement each other.
Tanya, on the other hand, has a fleshy face line, no obvious sense of skeleton, looks like a ball, and her forehead is round. On the contrary, when her hairline is irregular and angular, the overall proportion is more harmonious.
In addition, from the front, the forehead can not only make up for the rigidity in the face, but also make up for the lack of "breathing" caused by the lightness or heaviness of the five senses.
Lao Wang's face is soft, but his eyebrows and eyes are heroic. The original square hairline can blur the position of her forehead and reduce the pressure of litigation. On the contrary, after flattening her square hairline P, you find that her face is full of closed dead lines, with no breathing space and no recognition.
2. Forehead and side contour: echoing relationship
From the side, the matching relationship between forehead and face can't complement each other like the front, but should be able to echo and match all the elements. Full and round forehead should also be matched with good mid-plane conditions, and straight forehead should be matched with clean mid-plane and side-plane modeling.
Let's go back to the example of Song Hye Kyo Jing and Nana. As we said before, the conditions of the triangle between two people's eyebrows are similar. Why is there a gap in the side forehead? In fact, their performance is very poor.
Nana, although the triangle between the eyebrows was changed later, her original nasal floor condition was quite good. I tend to think that she didn't adjust her nose base in the process of changing her life.
At the peak, her profile is neat and straight, and with a slightly full forehead, she won't look like a full moon machete. Moreover, because her facial soft tissues are few and mainly supported by bones, the echo of her face and forehead will not be affected by time, and the flowering period is long.
Beijing looked at Song Hye Kyo again. When she was young, her face was rich in soft tissue, which was not inconsistent with her full forehead. At that time, this picture was quite amazing.
However, as we can see from the front, the plane of Song Huijing is mainly supported by soft tissues, and the nasal base condition is not particularly good.
When you get old, the soft tissue is gone, and the shape of your face is not so good. Coupled with a full forehead, it will be particularly like the Shouxing Palace. The main problem of the cover picture is also the sense of difference between the forehead and the face.
Every part of our face has its own unique inclusive relationship, which usually affects the whole body, and small changes will also bring us great beauty empowerment. This seems to be the significance of our tireless discussion on the aesthetics of parts.
In this process, Uncle Oxygen has always believed that "promoting local aesthetics with a global view, and then treating it comprehensively with the local and the whole" is the cornerstone of correctly treating local aesthetics.
I hope we can always explore more possibilities about beauty from this angle.